The Melody of Love II Miguel Rivera

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I was walking down the street. Color and life decorated the streets as the sun was halfway done on it's course. It was almost time for the Dia de Los Muerto celebration at Miguel's, and I had just enough time to get a treat.

Miguel is my childhood best friend. We went to school together, grew up together, and celebrated together. We were inseparable. And I wanted it to stay that way. You see I had a small- ok fine, huge crush on him. He was just such an amazing and talented person. I wanted to sing beside him as he played his guitar while we travel the world. But I never had the guts to tell him.

I bit into my concha and sighed in delight. I put it back in the bag along with the other one when suddenly I heard barking and was tackled to the ground, unexpected wet kisses licked every inch of my face.

"Haha! Dante! Down boy!" I laughed. I managed to sit up and stop him from licking my face anymore. Suddenly Dante grabbed my bag filled with treats from my hand and ran off.

"Hey that's mine!" I said while getting up and racing towards him. I dodged friendly face and buildings trying to catch up with the dog.

"Excuse me! Sorry! Lo siento!" I said to the people that blurred past me. I didn't have time to stop. I had to catch that runaway dog. The scenery started changing and I was outside of the town. The ground shifted from a dirt path to green grassy fields. I was now running uphill and was slowing down. My panting was intense as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of my face. By the time I could hear everything else besides my own panting, I heard soft guitar strings.

The sweet melody filled my ears as I looked up in curiosity. Who was playing? And who was playing way out here? I walked up the hill and saw Dante waiting for me. The view was incredible. Beautiful seas of green lush filled my sight as I breathed out in shock. I've never seen so much beauty.

Dante walked over to the otherside of the tree and then turned around to look at me and then started barking. I was surprised. I walked over and gently grabbed the desserts from his mouth, him releasing it immediately. I looked over but saw no one there. Was hearing the music just my imagination? I sighed and walked forward, stopping at the edge of the hill. The wind wrestled my clothes as my hair danced throughout the air. I closed my eyes and breathed in the crisp evening air. The sun was in view which meant that the celebration was going to start soon. But before I could go, 2 hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who" I smooth deep voice said (he's older in this one). I loved it. A smile graced my features as I brought my finger to my chin and tapped it.

"Hmmm let me see... Dante is that you?" I asked, jokingly. The hands left my field of vision as I was able to see again.

"Ha ha very funny" he said. I turned around and giggled. He sat at the base of the tree, leaning against it. I sat next to him. We sat in silence but not an awkward one but a comfortable one.

"I learned a new song" he said, breaking the silence.

"Really?" I asked. Miguel was always learning some new songs and it was always beautifully played.

"Yeah" he said. He grabbed his guitar that was laying beside him and adjusted his position. He took a deep breath in and then started delicately pricking the strings. It was amazing. The sound was so heavenly. I leaned on his shoulder and felt him tense up. I was about to get off when he relaxed.  He started singing:

All of my friends are settling down

They're only kids but they're married now

Let's follow the lights, follow the crowd

Baby we got to get out

Let's get out of this town

I closed my eyes. This was perfect.

I want an ocean view, somewhere

As long as I'm next to you, I don't care

The moment. Everything was just at ease. Peaceful.

I don't wanna live my life in circles

I just wanna find an empty road

Let's get away from here, let's go

The wind tickled my face as Miguel's warmth spread throughout my body. Everything was tranquil. I was lost in my thoughts when Miguel came to the end of the song.

Let's get out of this town

I felt Miguel shuffle, putting his guitar back to it's original spot.

"(Y/N)?" Miguel asked. I hummed in response, my eyes still closed.

"Your so beautiful" he said, like it was the most casual thing to say. My eyes shot up as I lifted my head from his shoulder.

"T-thanks" I said, blushing a light tint on my face. We're just friends. Calm down (Y/N). I felt a weight drop on my legs. I looked to my side and saw Dante putting the conchas on my lap. I smiled at him.

"Good boy" I giggled. I opened up the bag and grabbed the non bitten one and offered it to Miguel. He gladly took it and I grabbed mine. I was about to close the bag when I heard whining. I looked over and saw Dante with big cute puppy eyes.

"Oh fine" I smiled. I grabbed the last one in there and gave it to Dante. He immediately took it and started eating it. I giggled again.

"Your laugh is so cute" Miguel says. I look at him with eyes filled with shock again. He looks down.

"Sorry, too bold?" he asked. I softened my features and laid my head down on his shoulder again.

"No, I like this side of you" I said softly. I felt his head shift to look at me again. I could practically feel his smile. Suddenly soft pressure was put on my chin as Miguel moved my head to look back up at him. He started leaning forward. I reciprocated and started to close my eyes. Suddenly our lips touched and fireworks erupted throughout my body. I smiled a bit as our lips danced. It felt like heaven. We pulled apart and lightly started panting. A felt his gaze on me and looked at him.

"I love you (Y/N), truly" he said. Love shining in his eyes as he looked at me like no other has. I was surprised but too happy to show it. A big smile made way onto my lips.

"I love you too Miguel" I said. Before we could go in for another one I heard a camera click. We looked back to see Miguel's whole family!? His grandma had tears in her eyes and so did her parents who were holding each other. I turned extremely red and stood up immediately, Miguel following.

"W-well I should get r-ready for the celebration" I stuttered, completely embarrassed. I rushed away and saw Dante following me. As I entered the city I laughed in joy and twirled around. I was so happy and couldn't wait to see him tonight!


I'm actually kind of proud of this one. Hope you enjoyed it too. Have a great day! :)

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