Truth or Dare II Lance

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It was our monthly game night. One day each month we would get together and have a night where we would teach Coran and Allura the rules. Allura really likes them because she gets to learn something and she see's is as a bonding activity. Today's pick was truth or dare. I was scared because Hunk and Pidge picked this game. I was also scared because Hunk, Pidge, Keith, and Shiro, all know of my crush on Lance. Yes, I loved him. The horrible tailor but amazing sharpshooter. We would always joke around with each other, laughing to our hearts content. Sometimes it gets serious and I comfort him when he gets sad and misses his family. He also comforts me when I miss my dad.

"Hurry up (Y/N)! Last one there has to take a dare!" Lance shouted, whizzing past my room. I ran out and made it just in time. Shiro, Keith, Allura, Coran, and Lance were all sitting in a circle. I walked over and joined them, sitting next to Lance and Coran. Pidge came rushing in with Hunk behind her.

"I win!" she said cheerfully. Hunk had his hands on his knees and was panting kinda hard

"Aww!" Hunk pouted. He walked over and joined us in the circle. After explaining the game to Allura and Coran we got started. Shiro started off to set an example for the new players.

"Pidge, truth or dare" he asked. Pidge instantly picked truth. I knew she would. She wouldn't take the risk.

"I dare you to let Hunk wear your glasses" Shiro said. Pidge and Hunk's eyes lit up. Pidge pouted as Hunk jumped around in glee.

"Finally! I always ask but she always says no." Pidge grumbled and passed them to Hunk. He looked at them with stars in his eyes.

"Just put it on" Pidge said, rolling her eyes. Hunk put them on and blinked until his eyes adjusted.

"I think I understand now. Your customs are quite thrilling!" Allura said with a smile.

"Me next!" Coran yelled, impatiently waiting to be picked like a toddler in grade school.

"Allura truth or dare?" He asked, a mischievous smile placed on his lips. Allura thought about it for a sec.

"Hmm, I choose dare!" She said, looking determined. Coran smiled.

"I dare you to lock yourself in a room with Shiro" he said. Shiro and Allura blushed in embarrassment.

"Um... Coran?" I said. He looked at me with the same smile.

"Shiro's gay" I said flattly. Coran looked confused.

"What does that have to do with Allura?" He asked. I held in my giggles.

"Um, it means that he likes... guys" I said. Coran's smile dropped. I couldn't read his expression but eventually he stood up and left the room to go think. I laughed a little.

We continued the game that resulted in to Hunk running around the entire castle, Keith getting a pink heart painted on his cheek, and Lance to do a handstand for 30 seconds. I also had to eat Hunks favorite in front of him which I felt really bad for doing. Next up was Pidge's turn.

"Hey (Y/N)" she said in a sing song voice. I paled. Oh no. I knew what she was going to do and for that I would kill her later.

"Truth or dare" she asked, her eyebrows going up and down. If I picked truth she would make me confess so I chose dare.

"I dare you to sit on Lance's lap" she said. My face turned red as my eyes became identical to circles. That little gremlin. I looked at Lance who was red too. I stood up and moved over to where Lance was. Lance watched my every move. I looked away in embarrassment as I sat down on his lap. Hunk and Pidge started "oooo"ing and covered my face as I death glared the both of them.

The game went on and a few truths and dares later, I heard a click sound. My head snapped over to Pidge and she quickly put her phone in her pocket. She smiled so innocently but she couldn't fool me.

"Pidge?" I said in a warning voice.

"Yes," she asked as she sweatdropped, smiling nervously.

"Delete it" I demanded. By now everyone knew what was going on.

"You want me to delete it? Here" she said, tossing the phone over me and Lance and I leaned back to get it while turning around. Lance and I fell back, me laying on his stomach and him laying on his back. I blushed but didn't look away. He didn't either. Suddenly the picture didn't matter anymore. I stared into his blue eyes getting lost in the depths of them. He started leaning closer and closed his eyes. I did the same and are lips danced together as each one of us smiled in happiness. We pulled apart smiling at each other.

"I love you" I whispered. As if his smile couldn't get any bigger he said,

"I love you too"

"Aww isn't that sweet" Pidge interrupted with a devilous smirk adorning her mouth.

"Thats it" I stood up and chased around the castle, this time my happiness fueling my energy.

He said I love you back. A dream finally came true.


Hoped you liked it! Idk if this is a good one (probably not) but theres your story! But imagine Lance actually saying that though? UGHHHHH. Anyways go ahead and request away and of course, have a great day! :)

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