A Kiss for the Hurting II Bill Cipher

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I unlocked the door to my apartment and walked in. I closed the door behind me and set my stuff down. I walked over to the couch and fell down not daring to move. I was exhausted. Working all day. My boss even yelled at me for something I didn't even do!

I closed my eyes and tried to drift off. As soon as I was about to fall asleep a voice rang through my mind.

"Heya (Y/N)!" Bill said excitedly. I opened my eyes with a groan and then sat up to see Bill floating in front of me.

"Bill... not now" I said sleepily. I laid on my back and closed me eyes. The room was silent. Bill always has some mischievous thing going on so it was odd to not hear him nagging me. I opened an eye to not see him there. I opened both eyes and looked around in confusion.

"Bill?" I said through the dark apartment. I checked in the kitchen to find it to be empty. I walked into my room to not see him in there. I checked my closet to find it to be empty as well.

"Bill?" I asked again, closing my closet and walking away from it.

"You called darling?" a voice said from behind me. I screamed as I punched where the voice rang.

"Oof!" Bill said falling on the ground. I gasped and rushed to his side.

"I'm so sorry!"  I apologized. He sat up and then covered his cheek where I punched him."

"Are you ok?" I asked. He looked at me with a smirk and I knew I was in trouble.

"Can I get a kiss?" he asked. I looked at him in shock as my cheeks heated up.

"W-what?" His smirk widened as he repeated himself.

"My owie hurts and I want you to kiss it to make it feel better" he said. My blush deepened as I thought. You had a crush on him for a while now so it wouldn't hurt.

I lightly wrapped my fingers around his hand covering his cheek. I slowly moved it away from his slightly red skin. I could feel his eyes burning holes in me. I leaned forward quickly but he moved his head making me kiss his lips.

My eyes widened as his were closed. I melted into the kiss and started kissing back. I could feel him smile as we stayed like that for a few minutes. Air suddenly called and we pulled apart, panting as we looked at each other with smiles on our faces.

"I love you (Y/N). I always have and always will." Bill expressed. I smiled and threw my arms around him, hugging him tight. He reciprocated.

"I love you too Bill" I breathed. We hugged each other until we fell asleep in each others arms.


Ok this is probably really bad but I wanted to post something since I haven't posted in a while. Sorry for taking a long time :(. As always, have a great day :)

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