Training Accident II Keith Kogane

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I made my way to the training room hearing grunting and clanking. I smiled and rolled my eyes. Oh course Keith is here this early. I open the door and see Keith fighting a gladiator bot, his shirt soaked in sweat. The gladiator lunged at Keith and tried to cut his legs but Keith back flipped away and then started running towards the robot. It tried to cut Keith's throat but he leaned back, slid under the robot, and then stabbed its back. The robot powered off in defeat as Keith went to get some water.

"I know your there (Y/N)" he smirked. I stopped leaning on the wall and walked over to him as he gulped down his water.

"Nice training Kogane" I said smiling in defeat. He put his now empty water bottle down. 

"What do you want" he said looking at me with those intense violet eyes. I frowned at him in disapproval.

"Wow, no good morning?" I tease him. He blushes and looks away.

"G-good morning  (Y/N)" he says avoiding eye contact. Omg Keith your so cute, I thought.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask, while walking over to the weapons rack choosing my favorite sword.

"Wearing that?" He asked. I looked down and remembered that I was still wearing an over sized shirt.

"Oh right" I walked over to the bench that Keith was at and I put the sword down. Then I pulled off the shirt. With my outfit underneath. 

This is your outfit

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This is your outfit

I laughed at how red he looked. 

"Come on Kogane" I chuckled. He rushed over to the training deck and I activated the next level. The gladiators started falling down the chutes. Four came out and immediately lunged towards us. Keith ran first and blocked the first attack of the gladiator as he pushed it of his sword.

Before I could look anymore, two robots were coming at me. One of them raised there arm with there sword in it and swiped at my side but I blocked it and kicked them back just as the second one swiped there sword at my head. I ducked just in time and kicked under there legs, making them fall. The other kicked me in the stomach and I fell with a grunt.

Suddenly the robot came up on me while I was on the ground and tried to stab my stomach but I rolled my body over making them stab the ground instead. I got up as the robot was struggling to get its sword out of the ground and sliced it in half. I smiled triumphantly.

"That's for kicking me" a prideful smile adorning my lips. But before I could soak in my victory anymore the other robot that I completely forgot about sliced my arm. The force made me fall to the ground. I screamed in pain as the blood rushed out.

"(Y/N)!" Keith yelled. He ran over to the robot that was about to finish me but sliced in half and kicked it to the side. He ran to your side in a panic. You were squirming and groaning in pain.

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