Worth Living II Genderbend Ursula

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Hey! Hope you enjoy it!

Warning! There are mentions of suicide and depression. If you are sensitive please skip this. I hope you will be ok.

(h/c) - hair color
(f/c) - favorite color



I ran as fast as I could. My (h/c) hair whipping through the wind. Tears streaming down my face as I ran to the only place that gave me comfort. The beach. My father yelled at me for something my sister did.  She always liked to mess with me. My father had it this time and beat me. He left the cold room leaving a black eyed daughter with cuts sprawled all over her body. He favored and worshiped my sister. It's unfair! I soon had enough and decided to end it. End the pain and the misery. End this life. This curse.

I finally reached my destination though I didn't stop running. I ran to the top of the tallest rough rock the beach had. The ocean shimmering in front of me quieting my whimpers. The ocean is my sanctuary. I have a connection with the ocean that is so deep. My cries silenced as the waves rolled onto the shore. My tears continued to fall as silence embraced me as one.


Without a second thought, I jumped into the water. The freezing temperature encasing me in the sea, the liquid being the only thing that held me. My vision blurred as I let go of the breath. The water filling my lungs, burning, forcing me to breath but my mind was made. I never moved. I just let myself fall into the grasp of the ocean. I was losing consciousness when I felt sudden movement and the last thing I remember is gasping for air.

My senses started coming back as my eyelids rose. What? I'm supposed to be dead. Is this heaven? I looked around and saw I was in a dark cave with a cauldron in the center. There were shelves of... potions?

"Ahh, your awake my love" a voice said at the doorway. It was to dark to see them but it sounded like a male. Did he save me? Why would he do that!

"Where am I" I demanded, looking intensely at the dark figure. He came into the light, only his top part of his body showing. Despite him not having a shirt on, he had a handsome face with white silky hair that sprouted from the top of his head. His light purple skin complimented his teal green eyes.

A red tint spread across my cheeks as he smirked.

"Is that how you say thank you?" he asked, small little fangs poking out from his smile. I rolled my eyes, as anger bubbled up inside of me.

"I'm not thanking you for stopping something I wanted to do" I snapped, shooting him a glare. I tried to stand up but I couldn't. I looked down and saw a (f/c) mermaid tail. My eyes widened as I looked shock at the new feature.

"What did you do to me?!" I screamed, trying to get up, but it didn't move. I started freaking out.

"I saved your life" he smirked. I looked at him with anger.

"I will slap that smirk off of your face" I threatened.

"If you can get up" he said, keeping that stupid smirk on his face. I was beyond angry. I couldn't move. I had been kidnapped by this hot guy. And I still haven't died!

"Here let me help" he offered. He came over while I wasn't looking and gave his hand to help him. I reached for it and grabbed his hand. It was so soft. I pulled myself up but fell forwards, into his chest. I gripped his shoulders afraid to fall. He wrapped his arms around me waist. I was about to tell him to let go when he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I know of all the troubles that you had to go through and I am sincerely sorry for you. No one should have to experience that. But please don't ever try to kill yourself because of it. You are so much more than you think you are. You have so much to offer. I believe that you are worth more than those brats you call family. Life isn't always filled with the bad. Get away from the negativity and surround yourself with things and people that love you. Like I do. I have been watching you for a while now my love and you are such an amazing person. Your smart, resilient, and incredibly beautiful. Please don't push me away. I love you and want to help."

I was shocked. My eyes wide as I was frozen in place. I just met him and it seems like I have known him forever. He pulled away, still keeping me in his arms. He smiled genuinely and reached his hand to my face to wipe away the tears that I didn't know were falling. Though when I looked down I saw that he didn't have legs either, he had the bottom half of an octopus. I was shocked at first and then curiously went to touch a tentacle. I softly picked it up and examined it feeling the odd texture on my skin. The man chuckled a bit. I let it go in the water and then looked into his eyes.

"T-thank you for saving me-"

"Ursulo" he smiled cutting me off. I smiled at him lightly.

"Thank you Ursulo" I said.

Maybe somethings are worth living for. Maybe living isn't so bad. I definitely want to explore the see now that I have a tail. Though I would have to work on that. All I know is that I finally have the person I needed my entire life. Ursulo. This was an adventure worth living for.


Thank you so much for reading! Remember: YOU ARE WORTH IT NO MATTER WHAT ANYBODY SAYS. I can help talk about it with you. I don't want anyone feeling sad or depressed. Please come talk to me if you are dealing with these sort of emotions. We can have a chat or I can just listen to you and not give you any advice. Just listening. I really hope you guys are staying healthy (physically and mentally) and to wrap it up... Have a great rest of your day! :)

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