Stressed Out II Loki

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You were apart of the Avengers with Loki your boyfriend but you messed up. The last mission didn't go well and it was all your fault. Thousands were killed because of your mistake. You were in shock and you wouldn't leave your room, not even talk to anyone which included Loki. He missed you so much and you did too but you were to scared to even move. Things were getting worse and the government got involved.

"After the last mission we can not let you keep driving the situation. We appreciate you all risking your lives for everyone but it's extremely reckless. Last missions incident was the last straw. Everytime the Avengers go out there people die"

"People will die regardless, if we don't go out there more will die" Steve stepped in.

"Which is why we need a new strategy. You will be working under the command of the government. You will be supervised during missions and we will admit you to go into the battlefield."

"What?! Sir with all due respect we don't need a babysitter" Tony said.

"Well apparently you do. You guys are dangerous and we can't keep going on the same path. We need to find a way where no one dies. Where we don't have to keep paying for reconstruction. This has gone and been out of hand for to long now. It's time we take the control here."

When the meeting was over you walked out. You went straight to your car and drove home. When you got there, you got in your bed and cried.

"This is all my fault! Geez I'm so naive!!" you screamed. Tears were running down your face as you laid in your bed. You heard a knock and threw the covers over your head hoping they would go away. You heard the door open and you furrowed your eyebrows, irritated they didn't go away.

"Babe...?" an all to familiar voice said. It was so fragile it sounded like it could break at any moment. Your eyes shut closed. Making sure not to move.

"I know your not asleep love" he said. You missed him calling you that. You hadn't heard his voice in what felt like forever. Suddenly light poured in and before you knew it the covers had been pulled off of you. You turned over so he wouldn't see how pathetic you looked.

"Can I please see your face love?" You stayed stubborn and stayed in place. You felt the bed dip and two arms circled around your waist pulling you into his lap. When you breathed, it sounded ragged and he felt it. He knew you were crying.

"You were trying to do what was best. Everyone makes mistakes its not just you. The Avengers have been making mistakes for some time now, its not just you. Besides, your a rookie. Its not your fault because your new. Ok?" He said.

You sat up and looked at him with a smile and tears pouring down. He smiled back and hugged you. The two of you cuddled for the rest of the night and eventually fell asleep, getting ready to wake up to a fresh and new beginning.


I kinda took some of what happened in Captain America Civil War lol. Hoped you liked it! Leave requests! Vote! And most importantly, have a good rest of your day :)

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