Snow Day II Jack Frost

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Today was my birthday and unfortunately school starts back up tomorrow. Hurray! Being born on the last day of summer was never the best for me because I always knew that school begin the very next day.

I sat alone in my apartment with my chocolate cupcake in front of me, the one candle holding the still flame. I sighed.

"I wish..." I said aloud.

"I wish that there was no school tomorrow" I said. Normally it would be to marry Jack Frost but I'm old enough to know he's not real, but something keeps me from not believing fully.


The next day I woke up colder than normal. I went to go get dressed so that I can be warmer. After putting on clothes. I specifically sent my alarm earlier so that I could go to the Starbucks across the street. I grab my keys, phone, journal, and wallet, then set off for a warm drink. When I open the door I see that there is snow everywhere. Snow? It was perfect weather yesterday!  I heard a ding on my phone. I open it up and see an email from the school that they are closed for the whole week! I look back up with a smile and walk over to Starbucks.

After buying myself a hot cocoa, I decide to explore around the town. I flew here last week to get settled in for college but never really looked around. Walking in the city makes me feel trapped and surrounded by a bunch of structures so I take a taxi to the woods. They drop me off and I pay them. They drive off and leave me here in the middle of nowhere.

I walk into the forest, the beautiful green filling my vision. Snow covered a lot of it but colors like red, purple, and white dotted the environment. It was an amazing sight. I suddenly walk into a field of snow with little spikes or green grass sticking from it. I could tell no one comes out here since there were no foot prints. I found a spot on the top of a hill and drink my hot cocoa. I took out my journal and started sketching. It suddenly turned into a certain Jack. Snowflakes coated the border as my pencil moved to the melody of silence.

"Is that me?" someone said, breaking the peacefulness. I whipped around and saw a tall male with white hair. He had bright blue eyes that sparked curiosity. Wait a minute... that's Jack Frost!

"Y-your Jack Frost!" I said with wide eyes, standing up. He bowed down at me.

"So you do believe!" he came back up with a smile.

"D-did you do this?" I asked, pointing at the snow on the ground.

"Well that is what you wished for, surprised it wasn't the usual" he smirked. I looked at him shocked. How did he know? Did he spy on me?

"Don't worry! I will grant that wish" he winked at me. I turned around and blushed. I mean he is hotter then from what I remember. I sat back down and he followed.

"Can I see your drawing?" he asked. I handed him my journal and he looked at my work with awe. I loved the look on his face. Him admiring my drawing with so much focus. I started staring with a small smile. His eyes darted around the page taking in all the detail.

"This is really good!" He said looking back at me. I smiled in response. We started looking at each other, his electric blue eyes looking into mine.

We leaned in and kissed the end.


Sorry I lost inspiration. Leave requests and have a great day! :)

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