Tickle War || Chat Noir

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I sat on my bed thinking of life. Soon I'll be out of school and heading to college. It's a big thought to think about. I didn't even know what I wanted to be. Or what college I wanted to go to. I'd be separated from all the great friends I have made and I'll be loaded with classes. I won't have enough time to hang out or see Chat Noir.

Chat Noir. Even though he hasn't told me who he really was, I still love him. I trust him and haven't made it a need for him to reveal his identity. He means the world to me. Sometimes I nudge him but it's always the same answer. I don't care though. As long as he comes back alive I'll be fine.

Speaking of the devil himself, a knock came from my balcony door. I smiled knowing exactly who it was. I decided to tease him and pretended to fall asleep. Another knock arose from the silence. I giggled a little but tried to get my fake sleeping face to stay.

Creak! My balcony door slowly opened and tons of light flooded in. It was the afternoon and my parents were at work. I heard quiet footsteps and felt a dip in the bed. A quiet exhale could be heard from the kitty himself.

I was expecting something loving like a kiss or cuddles but instead, fingers flew too my side. My eyes shot open and laughter flooded from my lips. I squirmed as he kept moving his fingers to the most sensitive places. I started laughing so hard that I started crying. I choked out a stop and saw his smirk, his green eyes observing my every movement.

He stopped and lifted hands from my body. I couldn't move. Everything hurt. My chest kept going up and down as I tried catch my breath.

"I knew you weren't sleeping" he smirked. I sat up and looked over at him. His prideful smirk waging me down.

"Oh really," I smiled. I grasped his sides and started wiggling my fingers. He sat there, as still as a rock. He looked back at me with that same evil smile.

"Oh? So kitten wants to play now?" He tried to grab me but I got up from the bed. He lunged himself towards me but I dodged him and tried to run to my door. I firm grasp on my ankle kept me from leaving and the sudden force to leave made me fall.

Suddenly those same fingers came back and started tickling me but more intense. I started laughing so hard that tears spilled from my eyes again. I heard a light chuckle from Chat Noir.

"S-stop!" I tried to say, but my laughing made it hard.

"Sorry kitten I can't understand you. Your going to have to stop laughing" he smiled. Seriously?! I thought. But my frustration didn't match my face as I was smiling so hard that my cheeks started to hurt.

"C-Chat Noir! P-please!" I cried. He stopped tickling me and my laughter stopped. My lungs craved air as they have been forced out. I was frozen again. I couldn't move. I felt two arms lift me from under my knees and on my back. I was too tired to even resist. I was carried to the bed and softly placed. Chat Noir got under the covers with my and wrapped me in his arms. I cuddled into his warm chest.

"I love hearing you laugh" he said. I smiled.

"Well don't tickle me" I pouted. He chuckled a little. Suddenly I felt two fingers making a walking motion up my back. As a reflex I moved closer to his chest and squealed.

"Really?!" I said, clinging on to him. He laughed.

"What? There was a spider" he tried to convince me.

"Yeah right" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from the spider," he said holding me tighter. I smiled and cuddled him as well. At this point I forgot about college. I forgot about everything. I forget about life itself as I am swept into a peaceful slumber.


Thank you so much for reading and thank you so much for waiting. I know I haven't been posting consistently but I'm here to tell you that I'm trying. School has been really stressful so I haven't had a lot of time to post. But don't worry, I'm here. Please leave requests! I might need some scenario requests because I'm running out of ideas. But with that being said, Have a great day :)

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