Jealousy at Sea II Jack Sparrow

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In this one shot, you and Will have been best friends since birth. Ok, onward!


You looked at the map as The Black Pearl was moving forward. You walked up to the man driving the ship, William Turner.

"Ok Will, keep moving straight, I'll tell you when we need to move a different direction" You ordered.

"(Y/N) you really need to loosen up. Theres no one attacking us" Will said. He always looked out for you. He considered you as a little sister.

"If we get that treasure then yes I will relax. But I can't put my guard down so easily" you stated with a stern look on your face. Will smiled at you softly.

"(Y/N), were gonna get that treasure. You don't have to worry. Just-" he started.

"No" you said. When you said something, you went with it. You were too stubborn for anyone to prove you wrong. Thats what Captain Jack Sparrow liked about you most. Your competitive and stubborn style and you looked breathtakingly beautiful to him. He loved you so much and would do anything to protect you.

"Please (Y/N)? Just a smile and thats it" he said. You looked at him but softened up and since no one was around (or at least you thought) you let go and just smiled a genuine smile. You were sort of known for not smiling often and definitely not laughing.

"Ok that's it" A voice said from behind. Will and I turned around and saw Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Oh hey Jack" Will said.

"It's Captain Jack to you" he said with a glare. Will rolled your eyes. As you tried to hold in laughter

"How about you go clean something and I'll take over from here, savvy?" He said, sounding more of a demand rather than a question. Will looked at me then looked back at Jack.

"Right" he said, as he walked off annoyed. When he was a good amount away, I bursted out laughing. Jack looked at me with utter shock. He's never heard me laugh before.

Jack Sparrows POV

I've never heard (Y/N) laugh before I thought looking shocked. I faint smile rose on my lips. It sounds... nice. By this point (Y/N) had stopped laughing and was now looking at me in a threatening way.

"What are you looking at" she said. Ah. That's the love of my life. Her sassy attitude always making my heart beat faster.

I regained my composure and cleared my throat.

"Nothing. What are you looking at? My devilish looks?" I smirked as she rolled her eyes but I couldn't fail to see the faint red tint that spread across her face.

"Yeah right" she said. I chuckled a little.

"Quick question though..." she asked. I rose my eyebrow in curiosity.

"Were you jealous?" she smirked. My eyes widened as blood rushed to my cheeks as I pushed it all aside.

"I was not. Captain Jack Sparrow never gets jealous" I said talking the wheel in my hands as I looked forward, avoiding her gaze.

"So if I go flirt with, hmm let's pick... Will!"


I started my way of walking towards the steps when two arms slip around my waist and pull me back.

"Do NOT flirt with that scum-like eel" Jack said.

"My my, is someone jealous?" You turned around and smirked at the Captain.

"Alright fine! I get jealous!" he confessed. You found his pouting rather cute.

"Jack. When I told you I love you, I meant it" I said. He looked at me. This was that look of love. I smiled at him. Genuinely.

"You should smile more. It suits you" he smirked.

"Aaaand you ruined the moment" I frowned and sighed as I walked off the check the map again. But before I could make to the steps I was pulled back again, a hand grabbing my arm. He gave me a kiss on the lips as he smirked when he let go. I stumbled back. And continued my journey to the map.

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