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Who knew our first time would be in a dance studio? Let alone in the dance studio that we met."

You laid on your stomach facing the fan on the ceiling while Harry's fingers brushed your bare arms. His eyes brightened when goosebumps appeared on your skin. He knew you were talking, but he wasn't really paying attention. All his mind thought of was last night. The way you felt against him, how your voice sounded breathy whenever he bit down on your bottom lip or how his hands curled just the right way around your waist to pull you in as he thrust into you for the first time. Thinking about it now made his cheeks burn. You felt amazing and he wanted you again. And yeah, who knew his first time would be here. Harry had brought you to the dance studio you both met a year ago. A small table on the center with two lit candles and a bottle of wine, some rose petals around it. The room was dark except that place. You had gasped when you saw it, eyes beginning to water. A few hours of talking, laughing and clumsy dancing, a deep kiss that led to desperate hands grabbing at each other's clothes, pulling and tugging hair, breathy moans and whispered 'I love you's. There was no date on a calendar marked on when you were losing your virginity. You and Harry barely talked about it. But there was that one time were you agreed on letting your relationship flow naturally. No pressure. And the sex would happen when both of you really wanted it. So Harry didn't brought you here expecting sex. Nor you thought that's what he had in mind. It just...happened. At the right time.

And you couldn't be happier. You smiled as you gazed to the man you loved, laying beside you, only a single piece of sheet covering you both, another one.  The sheet was found in one of the lockers in the studio, luckily it was clean. The light of the morning sun kissed your spine. Harry hadn't spoken a word, but when he did, it was what you thought he would say. Of course, caring Harry. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm...good. Perfect." The blush in your cheeks was too cute Harry couldn't help but pinch them softly. You scrunched up your nose, burying your head in his chest. He sighed, wrapping an arm around you.

"And how are you?" you whispered against his skin, a finger running up and down his rib, tracing his bird cage tattoo.

Harry's heart beat a little faster, again, his mind filling with memories of last night. He was nervous too, inexperienced and worrying about hurting you or being too sloppy. Not knowing anything but the pleasure and work of his hand sometimes, he worried he'd get carried away. But the moment your warm lips pressed a reassuring kiss on his, all the nervousness went away. He could do this. He could be gentle. Seeing you naked for the first time before his eyes, and he wanted nothing more than to love you all over. And he did just that. When he kissed your hips, his eyes never left yours, then he trailed kisses and his warm tongue down your inner thighs, all the while whispering how beautiful you are. You both made love, soft and gentle, slow caresses and sweet whispers and sounds of pure love. You made love until the candle lights burned out and it was just the moon shining against your naked skin. Harry made sure to kiss every part of you, igniting a fire inside of you. It was so lovely the sight of him caressing you, taking care of you in a way you never imagined, that it brought you to tears. You loved him more than ever.

"I'm perfect, too. It was... um, was I, okay? Did it- did I do-"

You stopped his stuttering with a kiss. "You were amazing."

His following cheeky smile made you hide your burning cheeks in his neck again.

"Come on, let's dance." He chuckled, tickling your sides.

"Dance? But we're naked."

Harry raised his eyebrows at you, "Yes? Is that a problem?"

"No...I mean, yes. But..." He grabbed your hand and pulled you up with him, the sheet rolling down your bodies and you quickly covered your front with it. Harry rolled his eyes, smiling, and walked to the center of the room, in all his glory. You managed not to stare too long at his cute ass and muscles. A cough startled you. Harry clapped his palms in front of him. "Okay, come 'ere."

The shy, hesitant boy of last night was gone. And in front of you was the cheeky, unafraid Harry you know. You looked up at him as you stood, toes to toe. His eyes greener than ever.

"Arms around my shoulders." He raised your arms, placing them in position. Then his arms wrapped around your waist and you began to dance. Awkward at first, since your boyfriend was naked against you and you could feel his very happy friend on your thigh. Hmm...he felt good last night. You wondered when would round two be.

"This is nice." You agreed.

"Thank you for this. Last night was incredible, one I'll never forget. I love you, Harry."

"I love you too." he kissed you softly.

Suddenly, he stepped on your sheet and you stumbled back, falling down and him landing on top of you.


"Oh gosh, are you okay?"

The fall was hard and painful, yet you started laughing like a maniac, Harry following suit.

"Next time, no dancing." You laughed.

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