Ch 16

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Tony is taking us to the county fair! I'm super excited, I've actually never been. Since it's a fair... I don't want to dress too nice but I still want to look good. I decided to wear skinny jeans and a crew neck sweatshirt. I then got a text from Tony saying that he might be about an hour late and that he's super sorry. I mean, it's ok though, there's no need to rush. At least we're actually going on a date.




Tony, we are having a team
meeting at Josh's. Get here
as soon as you can.


I replied and then hurriedly got ready because I'm supposed to meet Nick. I texted him and told him that I'd be about an hour late, I hope he understands. I rushed downstairs to see if Ondreaz knew anything about the team meeting. I mean after all, we are both team captains. He said he didn't know about it until today. We jumped in my car and headed over.

We arrived and Griffin opened the door for us. Dre went straight over to talk to Ryland. I just walked to where everyone else was.

"Tony, can you please take a seat on the couch?" Josh asked me.

"Uh, yeah sure..."

"So... we saw you kiss Nick at the New Years party. What was that about? Were you drunk or... ?" Josh asked. My eyes started to tear up a little so I looked down.

"Well... I don't really know what I am yet, but I know that I like Nick..." I said. I ran away to the bathroom before anyone could say anything.


I was surprised by everything that just happened. There was a little chatting between all of them. Chase ran after Tony. That's when I decided to speak up.

I cleared my throat and said, "Guys... I would like to say something. I know you are all probably a little surprised by that, I am as well. But I will not leave my brother alone in this... I am... bisexual. I'm not as close to you guys as my brother is, but as my teammates, I hope you support Tony and me. Tony isn't any different than he was before. If you are true friends, then you will stick with him and support him. If I hear about any of you saying or doing hurtful things to him, I will put you in your place! Thank you very much."

"Well, I know that I support him..." I heard Griffin say, "buttt... BRYCE OWES ME $20!!"

"Ahhh man, I thought you'd forget about that!" Bryce said laughing.

Everyone talked and laughed together.


I heard a knock on the door...

"... w-who is it??" I said sniffling.


I unlocked the door, he instantly gave me a hug and said, "Don't worry... everything will be ok. Besides... don't you have someplace to be?

I thought for a second...

"OH MY GOD YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT!! Thanks for the reminder."

"No problem buddy."

I ran downstairs to see everyone talking and laughing. Right as I entered the room, everyone looked at me.

"Group hug!!" Griffin called out. I was confused but laughed as I was surrounded by my friends and teammates.

"Um guys... I appreciate all of this but, I gotta run!!"

They all laughed and said ok. I hurried out to my car and pulled out.


I wonder what he had to do. It's been a little bit over an hour now. Right then I heard a knock on the door. I hurried over and opened the door. Before my eyes stood the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He had flowers and a look of sorrow plastered on his face. My bottom lip came out and I tilted my head to the side, waiting for him to say something.

"I am so sorry I had to come late! I didn't know that was happening." he said.

"It's ok, don't worry and did something bad happen?"

"Well no... there was just a team meeting I didn't know about. Anyway, let's get going!"


He brought me over to his car and opened the door for me. He then walked over to his side and hopped in. He told me to aux and I was a little nervous but I did it anyway. He started singing some of the songs so I joined in as well. It was so adorable when he would get super into it.

When we arrived, he got out and opened my door. He grabbed my hand and we walked towards the entrance.

As we entered he asked, "What do you wanna do first bubba?" I smiled at the nickname and looked around. My eyes widened as I saw this super cute teddy bear hanging up over one of the fair games. He followed my gaze and then chuckled. We went over to the booth and Tony bought a game or two.

After a couple of tries, he finally won! He handed me the teddy bear and I pulled him into a hug. We then went on to play a few more games.


It was late and I wanted to go on the ferris wheel to give Nick the present. I reached into my pocket and felt the small box to make sure I had it.

"Hey, wanna go on the ferris wheel and watch the sunset?" I asked him.

"Oooo yes! That's a good idea." he said, picking up his pace and dragging me along.

We got on the ferris wheel at the perfect time. We stopped almost at the top as people got off and on. The sunset was gorgeous and it felt like the right time. I was getting nervous and it felt like butterflies were starting to fill my stomach.

"Nick..." I said, and he looked at me so I continued, "I know this is our first date but you really mean a lot to me. You are there for me when I need you and I want to be there for you as well. I was wondering if you would make me the happiest, and be my boyfriend?"

"I would love to be your boyfriend." he said smiling at me and giving me a little kiss.

"But there's more..." I said as I pulled out the necklace I got him.

"Oh my gosh... Tony!! You really didn't have to..."

"Do you like it?"

"No... I love it! This is so sweet, thank you so much. Aw... a 't' for Tony and an 'n' for Nick." he said smiling. He is the absolute cutest.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss. When he pulled away, he rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him.

I'm seriously the happiest that I have been in a long time.


sooo this book is STILL #1 in #tonick and i'm just - 😮😮
thank you for 6k reads and 300 votes, y'all are the best😌  i hope u enjoyed this chapter!! <3

1155 words

My Bully ~ tonickWhere stories live. Discover now