Chapter Twenty Two

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They smiled at each other as he drove to the office, " I think that went very well, don't you." He asked, reaching for her hand. She smiled at him, so full of love, " l don't how it could have been any better, I'm so glad Dad talked to you." She started. Can kissed her fingers, " Dad will be at the office this morning so you can meet.  He's very excited about it." He said. Sanem shook her head in agreement, " I am too, I hope he likes me." She replied. Can smiled at her, " Don't worry, I know for a fact he will, what's not to like." He replied to her, letting his eyes roam over her, taking in her beauty. She blushed, " Can you embarrass me, I'm really nervous, do I look ok." She asked, her eyes getting wide. His face turned serious, " My love he will adore you, in fact he already does." He remarked. " You look beautiful today and every day, somrelax and get that frown off your face." He replied, pinching her cheek. 

As the two walked in the office together, all eyes were on them. As they got close, Can waved, greeting the employees, " Good morning everyone, I want to inform you all that my father is back from his vacation and will be coming into the office this morning, so let's give him a big welcome when he gets here." He shouted, waving his hands above his head. Everyone clapped ready to welcome their boss back. Deren was the happiest, with Mr. Aziz back maybe he would see the trouble that Sanem caused the agency and help get rid of her, she thought, smiling at the possibility.

Sanem went straight to the coffee bar to make tea as Can headed to his office with Ms.Deren in tow. She was determined to make Can see the mistake he was making with Sanem, so she would reveal to him all the things that she had done wrong since she had came to work there. " Can, we really need to talk, if you have a minute." She started. " I know that Sanem has made an impression on you, but her work ethic is not of the caliber that we need her at the agency." She spoke, ready to defend herself. " Now I know you feel differently about it, but business is business, and your personal feeling have marred your thinking." Can sat down, with a solemn face he looked at Deren, " Your job is not to tell me how I feel Deren, your job is to manage the clients that come to this agency. If you have a professional reason for doubting Ms. Sanem's ability to work here, then please enlighten me, if not, you need to find a way to work with her." He spewed, glaring at her. She turned away, " Can I'm thinking of the company, and nothing else, she doesn't have the skills to work here. She refuses to follow simple rules and doesn't even complete her job tasks." Deren stated, her flushed from adrenaline. She had started her complaint now, so she had to finish, " She is continuously late, or leaving early. Her work is just not up to par." She replied, looking him in the eye. 

Can was about to speak when his father walked into the office, everyone stood and cheered as he came through, waving his hands at everyone. Deren hurried out to greet him, " Mr. Aziz I'm so glad you're back, we need you so much." She blurted our, giving Can a side glance. Aziz embraced her, she had become like a daughter to him over the years, and he valued her. Sanem was coming towards Can office with then tea, as he arrived, she was amazed at the welcome he had received. She smiled, handing Can his tea, " Well this must be Sanem." Aziz said, clapping his hands together. Sanem smiled, as she reached out her hand to him. " On no my dear, no hand shakes here." He spoke, as he reached for her, giving her a warm hug. " Can has described you perfectly, you are a vision of beauty." He remarked, patting her in the cheek. Can smiled reaching for her hand, " Yes Dad, this Sanem, Sanem this is my Dad." He replied, making all the formal introductions.

Deren glared at the sight, how did this silly girl come in here and steal away the only chance I had at being with him, I have to make them see what she really is, she thought, her mind reeling. Can motioned them into the office as Deren watched, " Dad would you like some tea." Can asked. " Yes, that sounds lovely." Aziz replied. Can turned to Deren, " Would you mind bringing my Dad some tea, please." He spoke with a smile that made most women melt. She was in shock, as she nodded and stomped off to the coffee bar, flinging her arms and talking to herself. " I don't even know how to make tea." She stammered under her breath. " Why would her ask me to do such a thing." She spewed, fumbling with the tea cup. The whole office watched in amusement as she poured the tea, still mumbling her dislike of the whole situation. Aziz watched as Can and Sanem looked at each other, " Well I am quite pleased to meet you my dear." Aziz stated. " I knew you would be special, if Can called me home to meet you."  He declared, smiling at their looks of love between them. Sanem returned the smile, " Thank you Mr. Aziz, I'm happy to finally meet you as well, but I'm sorry that he had to call you home early from your vacation ." She spoke, frowning at Can. All Can could do was smile, " I'm sure Dad didn't mind, he has always wanted me to settle down, so this makes him very happy." He told her, gazing into her eyes, making her uncomfortable. 

Deren knocked on the door, and entered, " Oh I'm sorry Can, I didn't wait for your permission to enter, is it ok." She spoke, looking at Sanem with jealousy. Sanems face turned a bright shade of red, and Can glared at her, " Deren that's not necessary, please leave the tea and you may go." Can ordered, knowing full well what she was up to. Deren turned to leave but stopped at the door,  " Mr. Aziz, I would like to talk with you when you have a chance." She asked. Aziz nodded, "Yes my dear, I will come and see you later." He replied. Deren smiled and walked back to her office.

The feeling between Can and Sanem were plain to see, Aziz couldn't have been happier to see his eldest son finally find the person he loved. Aziz thought that person might have been Polen, but his son never and those feeling for her. " Well I think I would like to call your parents Sanem to set up a time to meet with them, then we can talk about a proposal party. Does that sound ok with both of you." He asked. They all agreed, eager to set the date. After a few minutes of visiting, Sanem excused herself to return to work before Ms. Deren found something else to put in that file. Can told Sanem they would meet for lunch with his Dad and Emre, so they could all get better acquainted.

Her morning had been busy, she had spent most of her time in the archive room doing research on a company they were trying to get. She had totally lost track of time, when Can came in the door, "Sanem, here you are, I've been looking for you." His voice full of excitement. She immediately thought something was wrong, " Can what is it, is it your Dad, is something wrong." She yelled, jumping up from her chair. He laughed, " No my love, I just had the most wonderful phone call." He said, pulling her close to him. " How would you like to take our honeymoon in Peru." He asked, his eyes dancing.

Sanem stared at him, not understanding the question, " Where, did you say Peru, I'm not sure I even know where Peru is." She stated boldly and confused. His excitement took over, he scooped her up in his arms and swung her around, making her squeal with delight. " I just got a call from a magazine that I had done some work for in the past, and they want me to develop a layout of Machu Picchu in Peru, what do you think. ....

Sanem was in shock, she had never traveled outside of Turkey before, and was he really considering taking the assignment. 

A honeymoon in Peru, she thought, how romantic would that be........

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