chapter 5

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𝑡𝑦 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒
(im to lazy to correct shit to just excuse all mistakes)

𝑡𝑦 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒(im to lazy to correct shit to just excuse all mistakes)

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"im gone , tee" i said while i walked down the steps .

"why u always leaving me ?" teesha said as she got up from the couch .

"anyways u want something ?" i said at the door .

"some of them blueberry muffins" she said .

"alright momma said she gonna be bck at 6 so clean this house up" i said then leaving .


i banged on des door and her dad opened up and said "son , dont be banging on my door like that ever again" .

why i feel like he gay ?

"sorry , is des home ?" i said .

"she in her room" she said .

"alright" i said then walking in .

i went down the hall and walked into des room and she said "yeah- hold on girl" .

she put her phone down and i said "get dressed we supposed to be going out" .

"u was taking a long time" she said getting up .

"well im here now" i said as she slipped on her slides .

"alright then lets go" she said .

we walked down the hall and i see dejara and say "wassup" .

"hey ty" she said then walking away .


"u like my sister ?" des said while i drove to shanteria house .

"dejara ? hell nah , ima gonna go to jail , she is 15 and im 17 finna turn 18 in 1 month" i said .

"no not dejara , she bi tho but im talking ab skylar" she said .

"hell nah , thats an associate" i said .

"dont do here like that" she said .

i turned up the volume and she yelled "this my song" .

yea now she can shut up .


"dont bang on the door ty" des said as we walked up to shanteria house .

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