chapter 36

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ty morre
2 days later
(excuse all mistakes)

i woke up outta my sleep because my phone was ringing .

i got my phone and said "hello" .

"hi , is this ty morre ?"

"who's asking ?" i said .

"hi , im ms.wright and i have for the police station , do you know skylar ruffner ?"

"correct" i said .

"well skylar has gotten arrested for fatal assault to a pregnant lady outside of a hair salon"

damnit skylar .

"when was this ?" i said getting up .

"this afternoon at 5 pm"

i just had dropped her off at 4:37 .

"can i see her ?" i said .

"yes sir"

"ok thank you for informing me" i said .

"no problem"

i hung up and said "i should of never left" .


i was on ig while waiting for skylar .

everybody ig story was full of skylar fight .

she can fight but , not a pregnant lady .

i looked closer and see jamie .

she was pregnant ?

"ty morre" someone called my name .

i stood up and put my phone in my pocket and walked over to the lady .

"hi , can you please give me empty out your pockets ?" she said smiling .

i empty out my pockets and she guided me to the visitation .

i seen skylar in that orange jumpsuit .

damn , i dont even wanna see her like this .

i pulled her into a hug and she hugged me tight .

i pulled out and said "why skylar ?" .

"i dont know ty" she said crying looking at me .

"on top of that skylar she pregnant , u can spend years in here" i said looking at her .

"ik" she said hiccuping .

"stop crying sky" i said as i held my tears bck while i wiped her tears .

she continued to hiccup and i said putting my hands on her shoulders "calm down" .

she started to calm down and said "i gotta spend 3 weeks in here" .

"and ima be here" i said .

"my momma disappointed in me saying i could do better and ur disappointed in me" she said shedding a tear .

"im not disappointed skylar , i see the better in you , i dont want you out here fighting" i said .

she wiped my tear .

i didnt even noticed i shed a tear .

"ok ty" she said .

"i care for you sky" i said .

"ik" she said .

i gave her a kiss then we were hugging again .

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