chapter 54

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skylar ruffner
5 weeks later

i put down the toilet seat down and looked down at the... pregnancy test .

this 2nd time , i took a test .

i picked up my phone and called ty .

"hello" she said .

"wassup baby" he said .

"ty i gotta talk to you" i said .

"okay" he said .

"do you have time to talk ?" i said .

"yea" he said .

"okay , for like 4 weeks now i been bloated and my period was supposed to come yesterday but it never came and so i took a pregnancy test and im pregnant" i said shedding a few tears .

"oh wow , uhm u plan on keeping it ?" he said .

"yes but its up to you" i said .

"yeah lets have a family together" he said .

i sniffled and said "alright" .

"ima come over there inna little while" he said .

"okay" i said .

"i love you" he said .

"i love you too" i said .

"team boy" he said .

"nah team girl" i said then hanging up .

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