chapter 7

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shanteria mayfester
excuse all damn mistakes , i just had to put out an update .

"skylar" i yelled as me and des was walking down the hall .

skylar turned around and stopped and we walked up to her and i said "u good ? u haven't been talking to us lately" .

"yeah , im just keeping my distance" i said .

"we can tell , ever since that shit that happened at the wings place u stopped hanging with the gang" des said .

"we still gang tho" skylar said .

"we know" i said .

"but anyways , u coming to a house party ?" des said .

"what party ?" skylar said .

"its just a lil party" i said .

" ion know y'all " skylar said shaking her head

" Mmcht cmon sky you got nun to do home anyway " des said

" fine " skylar said making me smile

" ight we'll be at yo place around 9 " I said as we went our separate ways .


"u play too much" i said haze was joking around with me .

"im just playing tho but when u gonna let me eat that ?" she said putting her arm around me again .

"uk im still a virgin" i said .

"stop all that lyin" she said .

"im playing hut idk , my shit is too tight i haven't had sex in 5 months" i said .

"oh but u coming to the party right ?" she said as we got to des car .

"yea" i said .

"ok ima see u later" she said making me look up at her .

why i gotta be 5'4 ? she a damn giant . 5'8 ass .

"ok" i said .

we did our lil handshake and then she gave me a hug and left .

"ouuuu yall cute" skylar said as we got into the car .

"u and tala are as well" i said .

"thats not my nigga , thats someone else's property" she said .

"yall saw how she look ?" she said .

"yeah hold on" i said .

i went on instagram and went to her page .

not i dont follow her ug- ass .



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reneeeeee ion miss shit but the money i spent

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random what money ?
reneeeeee yo daddy child support money 😚

i gave her the phone while des pulled off .

"mhm he could do better" skylar said giving me bck my phone .

"yeah thats why he fucking with u" des said .


"come on sky , we outside" i said while im on speaker with skylar im des car .

"uk i gotta sneak out the window" she said .

i saw her ass jump .

she did say she was in a lil gymnastics team .

she ran to the car with her shoes in her hand and got in the car and said "hey yall" .

i turned around and looked at her in the backseat "wassup u look good" .

she had on a black sundress and black and white vans on .

"thank you" she said .

"np" i said .

des pulled off and we was otw to the party .


we all was dancing and shit .

then my eyes got caught on some girls that looked familiar .

they walked up to skylar and one said "so wtf u gonna do now ?" .

i grabbed skylar and skylar said "no let me go she wanna pop off right here so lets go then" .

des grabbed her other hand and i sajd "what yall want yo ?" .

"its nun of ur business tranny" one of the girls said .

"bitch , i can fuck yo brother so stfu" i said .

i saw rene get in between them and bluffed and said "this the girl that want tala" .

she chuckled and said "nice try but he got me" .

"let me go" skylar said .

we walked away to the bathroom .

i closed and locked the door behind me .

"calm down skylar" des said as skylar was walking back and forth .

she was mumbling something and i said "skylar u gonna have to calm down" .

"do yall know i would of killed that girl right there ?" she said as she stopped walking back and forth , looking at us .

"just calm down" i said .

"they playing me like im pussy , im not fucking pussy" she said .

"fuck that" she said picking up her phone .

she put it to her ear and said "can u come and pick me up ?" .

"at the house party"

"u otw ?"


"thank you"


she took the phone away from her ear and said "im finna go , i had a good time while it lasted" .

she unlocked the door and left .

its always them bum bitches started shit at parties .

i published this book 8 well now 9 days and its already close to 1k !! thank yall sm dont forget to follow my main yofavvvroyal

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i published this book 8 well now 9 days and its already close to 1k !! thank yall sm dont forget to follow my main yofavvvroyal

and thank you to gigibands  for helping me with this chap ❤️

tell me how yall feel ab this book

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