chapter 57

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skylar ruffner
5 month later


5,442 likesyrbsky tisean mommy 👩🏽‍🍼💓

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yrbsky tisean mommy 👩🏽‍🍼💓

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tisean was cooing and i went to her crib and said as i picked her up "whats wrong mommy's baby ?" .

"huh" i said holding her .

"you so precious" i said .

i really had a baby

"you ready to go to grandma house" i said puttng her down on the bed .

she was cooing again .

i checked to see if she was wet .

"bae yall ready" ty yelled .

"yeah"i yelled as i held tisean up to take a picture .

i posted it .


7,306 likesyrbsky die bout her 💜

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yrbsky die bout her 💜

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"ma can you watch tisean while we go out to eat ?" i said .

"okay yall have fun & were protection" she said laughing making me laugh .

we left and got into the car .

"skylar i want you to have this" ty said pulling out a ring .

"thank you for tisean and i love you so much , will you marry me ?" he said .

"yes" i said finna cry .

i look behind him and see a truck driving towards making us crash .



"you ready to get them ?" skylar ex, paris said .

"hell yeah , that bitch stole my man and had his baby" ty ex , adyah said .

"ight lets go" he said .


they pulled up to skylar mom house seeing skylar & ty car parked .

"when they get in the car , we gonna run them fucks over" paris said .

paris & adyah wanted revenge on skylar & ty .

skylar & ty came out the house and got into the car .

"okay count to 5" paris said starting up the car .

"5...4...3...2...1!" adyah shouted .

paris drove into ty & skylar car making them crash into them .

making ty & skylar car flip over .


skylar & ty were pronounce dead at the scene .

tisean will never get to know her parents .

all love stories dont have happy endings - update


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