chapter 42

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des fair
(excuse all mistakes)

"we finna act up at this club" i said as me and shanteria walked to the entrance of the club .

"period" shanteria said .

"take my picture right quick" i said stopping us .

we took a few pictures and i went threw them and posted the pic .



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desbanks couldn't find a bitch that could do it , how i do it 🤪💛

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random dessy baby lets talk , this is shmar i miss you 🥺

"guess what ?" i said .

"what ?" shanteria said .

"baby shark commented under my picture " i said .

(saniyahhh42 yktfv with the names 🤪)

"mmcht girl dont worry ab him , just worry about shaking some ass and making sure people dont step on ur toes" she said .

"period" i said .


"MIAMI , ILL NEVER SNITCH ON YOU DADDY" i said while going down low slow .

i was twerking while i was doing that .

feeling like megan thee mf stallion .

shanteria was recording me while saying "I'LL HOLD A BRICK FA YOU DADDY" .

"SMASH ON A BITCH FA YOU DADDY" i said while twerking .


i got up laughing and she stopped recording .

"ima go get a drink" i said .

"ok" shanteria said .

i walked over to the bar and said "whiskey please" .

the bartender nodded and got to my drink .

"make that 2" i heard a familiar voice say .

i looked to my left and see shmar .

"hey des" he said smiling .

"what do u want shmar ? why u following me ? lurking on my page and stuff ?" i said .

"i miss you" he said .

"no u dont , you broke up with me for no reason" i said .

"i didnt know what i wanted des" he said .

"then why u ask me to be your girlfriend ? have your child ? be your wife ? if you didnt know what you wanted" i said .

"2 whiskeys" the bartender said giving us our drinks .

"thank you" i said then taking a sip of my drink .

"i was confused des , you were my 1st girlfriend" shmar said .

"nigga why u have to lie ? you just tried to play me but , it didn't work" i said .

"how did i play you ?" he said .

"think about it shmar" i said then walking away .

i felt his hands on my waist and he whispered in my ear saying "you know you miss me des , ik you des" .


"i dont miss you shmar , get away from me" i said moving his hands from my waist .

i walked bck to shanteria and continued to have fun .

my ex nigga not finna stop me from having a good time .

soo yall want skylar with ty but..

soo yall want skylar with ty but

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yall called this man a dog 😭

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