chapter 27

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skylar ruffner
4 days later
(excuse all mistakes)

"was bling but now , i see" we all sung at tala funeral .

my mom was on the left sitting next to me and ty was on the right sitting next to me and holding my hand asking if im good every damn second .

i appreciate it tho .

"lets us pray" the pastor said .

we all stood up and bowed our heads .


ty came with me to put my rose down on his casket .

he had a nice red casket .

i put my rose on his grave and ty did as well then we walked bck to our chairs .


the pastor was praying .

i was swing back and forth in my chair .

"would someone like to say any kinds words to this gentle soul ?" the pastor said .

i stood up and said "tala , ima miss you and miss all the times we had together , i just cant believe that your gone just the other day we was talking but , i love and miss you" .

i sat down .


"you ok baby ?" my mom said rubbing my shoulder as we at the after service .

"yes i just wanna go , i dont feel good" i said .

"well ima make you a plate of food and you can go alright ?" she said .

i nodded and then she walked away .

des and shanteria walked up to me and said "heyy friend" .

"wassup yall" i said .

"u feeling ok ?" des said .

"i dont feel good" i said.

shanteria put the back of her hand on my forehead and said "u dont have no fever" .

"i just wanna go" i said .

"well ty over there but call us when you get in the house" she said .

"ok" i said .

we hugged and then my mom came with my plate of food and said "here baby" .

"thank you ma" i said getting the food .

"ima see u later alright" she said giving me a hug .

"ok" i said .

i pulled out the hug and walked over to ty and some girl .

"ty can we go ?" i said .

"yeah" he said .

"who is this ?" the girl saud .

that bitch .

"this is skylar and skylar this is danae" ty said .

"im ty girlfriend , so why are you with my man ?" danae said .

"bitch its not even like that" i said .

"danae ima see you later , skylar lets go" ty said grabbing my arm .

"why would u do that ?" ty said as we walked to the car .

"why u aint tell her im yo friend ?" i said .

"skylar thats my girl , u cant be disrespecting her like that" he said .

fuck her .

"mmcht alright" i said getting in the car .


i had a bad feeling in my stoamch causing me to gag and ty said as we just pulled up to the house  "u ok ?" .

i got out the car fast and ran into the house .

i got to ty bathroom throwing up .

"sky u good ?" ty said rubbing my back .

i spit and said "no" .

"ima go give u some water" he said then leaving .


"skylar why u have to call her out her name ?" ty said as we was laying down .

"bc she thinking im fucking you like no" i said .

"did she say that tho ?" he said .

kell 💙
im outside

"bye" i said getting up .


"i gotta tell you something" kell said as i was laying on his chest .

"yeah" i said .

he took a deep breath in and out and said "i killed tala" .

my mouth was wide open and tears began forming in my eyes .

"whyyy ?" i said crying as i got up  .

"im sorry" he said .

"ur not fucking sorry , i cant never fucking see him again" i said crying harder .

"come here" he said trying pull me into a hug .

"no" i said pushing him .

i felt that bad feeling again and started gagging .

i ran to the bathroom and threw up .

"im sorry tala" i said gripping on to the toilet .


i walked to ty house and finally got there seeing him on the door step .

"skylar" he said walking to me .

"what happened ?" he said holding me .

"im sorry" i said crying .

"come here" he said placing my head on his chest as he hugged me .

"its all my fault" i said .

"its not ur fault skylar" he said .

"yes it is ty" i said .

"look at me sky" he said .

i picked my head up and looked at him and he said "its not your fault skylar ruffner , he is still here , he is our guardian angel" .

"ok" i said .

"alright" he said then kissing my forehead .

we went bck to hugging .

im not crying , u r

now yall got the truth .

it wasnt ha momma 🧍🏽‍♀️

it wasn't the stepdad 🧍🏽‍♀️

it wasnt dray 🧍🏽‍♀️

or it wasnt me 🌚

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