chapter 25

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skylar ruffner
1 day later
(excuse all mistakes)

"did u talk to your mom ?" ty said as we were watching tv .

"no" i said playing with my nails .

i got my new dick grabbers.

"why ?" he said .

"ion wanna talk to her" i said .

"but that yo mom sky" he said .

"u already know the story so i dont wanna talk to her right now" i said looking at him .

"can i make a deal ?" he said .

"im listening" i said .

"if u cry , u gotta talk to ur mom but if u dont , ima get you yo favorite" he said .

"whats my favorite ?" i said .

"chicken and waffles" he said making me smile .

my mouth watering .

"ok" i said as i held my hand out .

"alright" he said shaking my hand .


"TY ! SKYLAR !" i heard teesha and ty mom yell making us pop up from the bed .

we went in the living room and see the tv it was on the news .

"18 year old , tala bay has died in a car wreck. early this afternoon, cars pulled over to check on the car thats just sitting on the side of the highway. many has called the police. they pronounced bay dead this afternoon, if you are a witness please call this number on your screen , i am rebecca tolon and this is the news today"

i cried so hard and ugly .

i didnt even say goodbye or even speak to him and now he is gone ?

"its going be ok skylar" ty said pulling me into a hug as he sniffled .

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