chapter 14

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dray wood
3 days later
(excuse all mistakes)

dray wood3 days later(excuse all mistakes)

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(yall wanted him sooooo bad)

i pushed tonisha head down making her gag .

"im ab to bust" i said as she kept sucking .

i released my kids in her mouth .

she swallowed them .

i put my dick up and she said "when we gonna go public ?" .

tonisha is my girlfriend of 3 weeks . we private asf .

"ion know" i said .

"well i took this test and it says that im pregnant" she said .

"say sike rn" i said .

"im just playing but fr tho when we going public ?" she said .

"we gonna see ok ?" i said .

"ok" she said .

she gave me a kiss and we laid down and watched a movie .


i slowly walked to the door and opened it and i heard tonisha sag "bring me back some buffalo wings" .

"alright" i said then leaving .

i got in the car and said "wassup" .

"wassgood" ty and tala said .

"what u been up to ? u haven't been out inna while" ty said .

"nigga u haven't been going out no where" tala said .

"ion like going out" ty said .

"but anyways i just been chilling" i said .

"oh but i heard u fucked skylar" ty said .

"who told u ?" tala said .

"nigga i was just playing but u fucked skylar ?" ty said .

"thats closed information" tala said .

"dont u gotta gf ?" i said .

"im finna break up with her ass when we go bck to school toma" he said .

we had a day off at school today . when we go bck , all the girls finna be prego .

"oh but i heard she pregnant" i said .

"shit it aint mines" he said .

"u think skylar pregnant ?" i said .

"switch the topic" he said .


"what can i get for u sir ?" our waitress said .

"can i get a 20 piece buffalo wings but put it in a to go box and can i get a triple cheeseburger and extra fries ?" i said .

"ok will that be all ?" she said .

"yea" i said .

"ok" she said then walking away .

"i might have to hit that" ty said .

my phone ringer went off .

i got a message from tonisha .


daddyyyyy when u cuming back ?

u gonna see and dont start something u cant finish

u gonna see what WE gonna start something and we gonna finish it

alright now

i put my phone down and tala said "i heard that this hoe got some good pussy" .

"u talking ab nas ?" i said .

"hold on" he said picking up his phone .

"i haven't fucked a bitch inna long time" ty said .

"damn" i said .

"her" tala said as he passed me the phone .



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iamnas2x im not ur average or typical , my look are critical

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random long ass caption 😒
iamnas2x 👁👄👁

"oh" i said passing him bck his phone .

my phone went off and i got it .

i checked insta.



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thatsnisha life is a dream and i dont play with mine

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mmcht i cant comment on it

i put my phone and the waitress came with our food .


"bae" tonisha said as i was finna doze off .

"yea" i said .

"u love me ?" she said .

damn . shit . fuck .

"i like you but love we not on that level" i said .

"oh" she said mugging me .

"ima see u later" she said getting up .

she left .

mmcht .

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