chapter 26

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ty morre
2 days later
(excuse all mistakes)

"sky" i said .

"huh ?" skylar whimpered .

"come on" i said .

"i dont wanna get out of this bed" she said .

"i'll get you some food" i said .

"im ok" she said .

skylar has been down ever since tala death . his funeral is in 4 days . im sad also , that was the homie , its sad to hear someone die .

"what no food ?" i said .

"yeah" she said .

"come on skylar , im finna take you to see people" i said .

"mmcht alright" she said .


"u ready ?" i said .

"yes" skylar said coming out of the bathroom in my grey hoodie and grey sweatpants .

"alright" i said getting up .

"ty" she said making me look toward her .

"yeah" i said .

"can i get a hug before we go ?" she said as i tear fell from her face .

i pulled her into a secure hug .

i heard her sniffling and i rubbed her back comforting her .

"look at me" i said .

she looked up at me and i said "he still gonna be with us alright" .

i wiped her tears and said "ok ?" .

she nodded and said "thank you for everything ty" .

"np sky" i said .

i never saw this skylar , i only saw the thug or the talkative one .

we went bck to hugging .


des opened up the door looking me and skylar .

"hey yall" des said with her voice messed up .

everytime when des cry , her voice be messed up , that throat dry asf .

"hey dessy baby" skylar said giving des a hug .

these nicknames gotta go .

skylar pulled out the hug and i said "wassup des" .

i pulled her into a hug and then pulled out .

we walked in and sat on the couch and talked .

"so how yall feel ab that situation ?" des said .

"i dont even wanna talk ab how i feel atp" skylar said looking straight .

"its a real fucked up situation" i said .

"right" des said .

"i cant believe he gone" skylar said .

"same" des said with her voice cracking up .

she cleared her throat and shed a few tears but wiped them fast .

des dont like when people see her cry .


"this crying shit not it" shanteria said wiping her tears .

she sniffled and said "i just wanna know who did it so i can gladly steal they grandma pills and watch her die slowly , summer salt kick they sister in the mouth , and put sugar in they tank" .


"rest in peace a soldier man" i said .

"right" skylar said .


after we visited dray , i got a surprise for sky .

we pulled up to her house and she looked at me and said "no , i dont wanna talk or see her go" .

"skylar" i said .

"mmcht alright" she said .

we got out the car and i held skylar by my side as we was walking  .

i knocked on the door and her mom opened up quickly .

she looked at me then sky and said "im sorry baby" .

she gave her a hug and skylar was crying as they were hugging .

what i supposed to do to help ?

"i saw the news , are you ok ?" her mom said as she rubbed skylar back .

"no" skylar said .

well damn , i guess my comfort didnt help .

her mom pulled out the hug and looked at me and said "whats ur name young man ?" .


"well ty , thank you for taking care of my daughter" she said .

"its no problem" i said .

"would you like to come in for dinner ?" she said .

"yes thank you" i said .

"mom we not staying for long" skylar said grabbing my hand .

we folded fingers .

"ok" her mom said .

i gotta cancel my date with danae

soooo how yall feel ab it ?

who yall think killed tala ?

now yall understand what the unknown part was .

saniyahhh42 pmo sooo ima put yall on .

long live tala 🕊

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