chapter 31

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skylar ruffner
2 days later
(excuse all mistakes)

"ty" i said laying on his chest .

"yeah" he said .

i breathed in and out and said "i want to take a pregnancy test" .

"ok" he said .


we just got to dollar tree walking threw aisle .

ik this is gonna be life changing . what if i am pregnant ? my baby not gonna grow up with a dad . im 17 , birthday in 3 months . im not even ready for a baby but , if im pregnant idk what ima do .

"u ok ?" ty said putting his arm around me as we walked .

"yeah just thinking ab some stuff" i said .

"ok" he said .


"im done" i said placing the three test on the sink counter .

ty came in and we sat down on the floor leaning on the cabinet .

"look skylar , i dont want you to feel alil weird ab me doing this stuff for you its just i rlly care ab you and if you pregnant , ima help take care of your child" he said .

"i dont feel weird ab that ty , i appreciate you but , i would be wrong if we started catching feelings and i went out with yo homeboy" i said .

he sighed and said "tala is not my homeboy" .

er- huh ? what ? when ? where ? how ? why ?

"huh ? why ? how ? what ?" i said .

"its a long story" he said .

"i got time for it" i said .

"it was ab 1 year ago , me and tala was close asf like brothers but then i was hearing around the school that he fucked my sister and they got a tape around so i got a hold of the tape and he fucked my sister and he didnt use no rubber and i went to my sister and she was crying and shit , i didnt have time for that , then i fought the nigga and then my sister came to me and she said she was burning so im mad asl and so i fight the nigga again and we was never cool again but im not rude so i say wassup" he said .

damn . i dont even know what to say .

"damn ty im sorry that happened to you" i said .

"its alright and old asf" he said .

"but im still sorry" i said .

"lets see these results" he said .

i stood up to get the test and sit right bck down .

i look at all three of the test .


"im not pregnant" i said .

he pulls me into a hug and then we looked at eachother and ended up kissing .

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