chapter 33

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des fair
(excuse all mistakes)

"wassup yall" i heard dray say chomping on popcorn .

"nigga shut tf , why didnt u buy us tickets ?" i said as we walked up the bleacher .

"i didnt think i had too" he said as we all sat down .

"we getting something to eat after this and dray paying for his own shit" i said .

"fake" i heard him mumble .

"you fake bitch" i said .

i got a handfull of his popcorn and he said "yo-"

"shh im watching the game" i said then chomping on popcorn .


"yall want some snacks ?" shanteria said .

"yeah" me and skylar said .

"alright come on" shanteria said .

we got up and dray saud "des get me some nachos" .

he handed me a 5 and i said "thats all" .

"u need some money sky ?" i heard ty say .

"nah in good thank you tho" skylar said then we were walking down the bleachers .

"ouuuuuu" me and shanteria said .

"where he at ?" skylar said .

we not looking for the hood niggas nomo .

"ty like you , girl" i said .

"no he does not" she said .

"chile u saw how he was biting his lips while he was looking at you" shanteria said .

"he was ?" skylar said as we got into the line .

"yes" shanteria said .

"hello what can i get for yall ?" the girl said .

"can i get some nachos ?" i sajd .

"hot or regular ?" she said .

"hot" i said .


"here you go" i said giving dray his nachos .

"thank you" dray said as i sat down .

"yeah yeah" i said watching the game .

"i like your nails" he said .

"thank you" i said .

my phone went off .

i picked up seeing a text from dajae .

dajae 💕

meet me behind the bleachers in 6 mins

ok 🌚

i put my phone down and then seeing the harassers .

"hi hoes" tynah said .

"except for you , ty" she said blowing a kiss at him .

im finna throw tf up .

"oh hi umm lets see whore" i said pointing at tynah .

"tranny" shanteria said pointing at jakiya .

"and fake" skylar said pointing at makari .

"we not here for yall , we only here for this cum taking ass bitch" tynah said looking at skylar .

huh ?

"i mean if you wanna get it cracking , we can" skylar said getting up .

i happen to look back and see rene tryna sneak up so i charged at her .

she pulled my hair the only shit she can do .

i was throwing punching at her face and making her scream .

"let go of my hair hoe" i said as i kept punching her .

she let it go and i got up and began stomping her out .

chile i got on my forces . sigh .

i stopped and see shanteria fighting jakiya . skylar was fighting makari and tynah at the same time .

my friend can fight .

i jumped in and started fighting tynah .

she fucked my ex while we were together .

she wasnt throwing shit but slaps .

i was throwing straight punching .

she tried to push me down the bleacher so i held her and punched her making her fall on the sit .

bitch i fight like a damn man . my daddy taught me .

the security got me , skylar and shanteria and walked us out of the stadium .

i saw danae charge at skylar so i jumped in to help her and the security grabbed me and i said "brooo move" .

i tried to run up again but he held me back .

ty got skylar and then we left .

i wasnt even finna update today 😔

its just alot going on yall 😕

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