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Hotaru stayed for the week as her family wanted her to get use to Japan first. Nana agrees and Tsuna wonders if Hotaru is lying to make it easier for himself really as she wasn't joking about training him to use them at all or to hide them really.

Tsuna was mentally weak now after making a barrier to keep his flames hidden from others and to train his secondaries up to part before learning the other flame types really which is going to be very exhausting for him which Hotaru doesn't care.

"You need this training, Tsuna and I'm not about to let you suffer for not training them!" It's been two months since Hotaru had came to Japan and was in the same class as him and she said she was really Tsuna's fianceè set up by his father really.

The whole class was very shocked making Tsuna to wonder why she did that as she told him during lunch time alone that it would keep the bullies away since she's a noble and he is as well making him to get a crash course about the Vongola Familiga.

"You have got to be joking! Me?!" Hotaru explains more and what her great-grandfather has agreed to as he's supporting her in school and making it look like she does have a family in Japan to cover for her stories really.

"And the fianceè thing?"

"Nothing against it unless we both agree to just be friends before we both turn twenty-four which is when we'll marry to have Collage or University degrees in our name. Much more simpler really and we properly get to know each other as Sky/Wind.

My secondaries are actually Cloud and Mist really. He wasn't happy about my life and got it sorted out for me. He's leaving me to screw with the Vongoal Plans if there is any and to make sure nothing bad happens to you." Tsuna nods and then he saw a talisman in her bag.

"What's that for?"

"Magic is real and this would show it." Hotaru picked up the talisman and it gave off a coulomb Force (super nova) amount of light making Tsuna to blink at how bright that light was really as he didn't expect that.

"It would seem I have a lot of magic it seems. I'm surprise I wasn't fully picked up sooner once I showed up in Japan really. I was self-home schooled in magic by myself for about up until recently and that would do it." Hotaru said as Tsuna reached for the odd glowing paper.

If Hotaru's light was roughly the same as a super nova, Tsuna's was half more of that and one that had nearly blinded them all. She is sooo going to be adding this to her reports and see if they can't help her out with the school really and a schedule for both schools really.

"Definitely magical, though considering I did say I do have a dark phoenix form, that amount makes perfect sense. It takes a lot more power to turn into a magical creature compared to a normal one, much less use their full abilities." Hotaru said blinking to clear her vision.

"We'll need to be registered and taught, otherwise it could get out of hand. We can also check with the banks to see if we're part of any established lines. They just need a few drops of blood, nothing else. No needles required and the results takes no less than five minutes." Hotatu explained.

"How long will this take?" Tsuna asked curious about this as it might show who his relatives are as he can't let his mother live in the state she is in really.

"A few hours at most. This generally doesn't take very long. This isn't the first time a magical child has been missed and it won't be the last. At most we'll spend a few months studying until we go into school and then take the very required tests and then go about our lives." Hotaru shrugged.

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