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Hotaru looks to Renato's old student and blinks as he reminds her of someone really. Tsuna looks to her and she asked questions after questions about someone making her to finally know why he feels so familiar to her really.

"Now I know why you feel so familiar to me! Alfonso Cavallone, Primo Cavallone of the Cavallone Familiga!"

"Huh?" Hotaru had to show a picture she has really as Tsuna and Giotto saw the similarity between the two really. Alfonso has long black hair with a mix of blue and blue tattoo with dark blue eyes, pierced ears with a light blue ribbon to tie the hair back.

 Alfonso has long black hair with a mix of blue and blue tattoo with dark blue eyes, pierced ears with a light blue ribbon to tie the hair back

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"How?! I couldn't even find ONE picture of him!"

"He let's me draw him." That was making both Dino and the whole Cavallone Familiga that were fully outside her home confused until she managed to make the machine from Bleach to show the dead. The fake bodies are a no-no fully really until Giotto says so.


"Yo, Decimo Cavallone." Everyone saw Alfonso in the 'flesh' making everyone to loudly scream bloody murder, but those who are so use to this really as they took pictures and video blackmail on them all really.

"Oh. Black hair Alaude looks cute. I miss my waifu." Hibari was so ticked that he raised his tonfus up at him.

"You fuck the fuck off of my fucking French ancestor!" Hibari shouts at Alfonso smirks as he looks fully towards him really.

"I already had my heir before I met my waifu, silly boy. My son was four when he met Alaude really. He start calling him mama." Dino was shocked as his face went long and he has his hands on his cheeks as his eyes went white as he screams.

AAAATTT?!" Tsuna chuckles as Renato smirks while hiding his face with his hat making him to love this scene really.

"Where's that stupid Apostle guy anyway?" Tsuna asked as he looks around.

"Zelretch still owes me a wand for doing his paperwork for him and Cowley owes me four hell hounds. I still have Havoc and Jaco, the Shadow Hounds, Hedwig the Snow Owl, Suzi the Basilisk and Sinbad the Roc."

"Anything else you need as a pet/guard animal?"

"I still need a dragon, hell hounds and a Demonic Friesian. You need a familiar and a mount, too. I'm not going for a horse ride alone, mind you." Tsuna raises his hands in a surrender making Renato to chuckle really at Tsuna.

"How do you know a demon?"

"Friends. He punishes the demons we send the demons to. Gabriella, an arch angel is friends with me, too. Zelretch still owes me though. I'll kill him if I have to wait just for that wand." Hotaru said as she was serious about it really.

"Kiroi Senko." Zelretch said as he shows up with a wand making her to squeal as Tsuna knows he's going to follow her, but Zelretch said the final one is in Britain and to be very careful. He even passed Tsuna two headphone sets to talk to Hotaru.

"Can I?" Both looked to him.

"Will I be able to hide the red eyes easily? Plus what about HIM and his stupid older twin brother?" He looks to them.

"Not from me, Arueid is the very ancestor to them. Plus he's more halfling than human. His brother... Fully human really. You get the Brunestrud family name and full access to that magic really. You're more likely to be a True Ancestor then a Dead Apostle Ancestor.

Arueid had blood and magically adopted me as her grandfather really and I can summoning the 'Millennium Castle' as well like she can really. You can do the same as well and surprised your opponent really." Zelretch told her.

"Anything else? Like to keep my options open." Zelretch thinks fast.

"You can summon Primate Murder to sic onto people and I think I can get you that horse you want. Plus a Entie version for your 'mate'." Tsuna blushes and Hotaru nods making Zelretch to Blood and Magical adopt Hotaru making her to be very powerful.

Her eyes went red then back to normal, some grey showed up at the ends by three inches max, her skin has gained some paleness to it and she looks a bit taller really. Zelretch expected this change and will test her on the bloodline later.

"Best to get use to it until then." He said before he left making Tsuna to still love Hotaru really making her to smile at him. Sirius took them to the Black Resident to shut his mother up and see if they can shut her up. They agreed and they all teleported there with Viper's help.

Feng was pleased as Hotaru taught them all really how to use the 'Aquamenti' charm and how to adjust the temperature for many showers in the wild making it to be awesome for Feng cause of the Triads making Viper to get vicious really about them.

Once they entered the place, Sirius called his mother out to meet her grand-daughter making her to see Hotaru and her boyfriend of a very high family which has a soul bond with his daughter and the others are his cousin and his soul guardians plus his three charges.

Tsuna was super pissed off at the painting of that woman for what she said about them all really and one blasting curse later resulted in a new doorway and the annoying as hell painting removed from the house. Sirius loved Tsuna after that.

Hotaru has all of her family books moved and are in her new home which can follow her anywhere really making Tsuna to love that really. Shame Kreature was not being polite until she shows her eyes and he shouts loudly: "True Ancestor!"

He behaved and all of her money was doing good really. Viper was awesome and amazing really as if someone enters her forcible into a tournament against her will, she gets to thirty percent with the rest spilt into her many vaults which Viper agrees to really.

Hotsru was looking at one of her books and gasp gently at the page. It was a ritual. Some would call it dark others light but this ritual could prevent someone's death by sacrificing oneself. It was called 'Amare et Protegere', literally 'To love and protect' in Latin, she recognized.

It was an ancient ritual made by the Potters where one would encapsulate their life force and sacrifice, die a willing death for the life force to flee the body and be deposited into another. The force would protect the receiver from ONE fatal wound or attack.

The only requirement was to do the chanting, made a letter 'S' like symbol on the forehead of the receiver and sacrifice one's life for the other. Hotaru had an epiphany and realized that this was the reason she survived Voldemor's attack.

It also explained the odd lightning bolt scar on her forehead since she knew that the Avada Kedavra spell leaved no mark. Hotaru began to cry and curled in the couch while missing her parents and thanking her mother for giving her a chance to live, a chance to meet her new family and meeting Tsuna.

'Thank you both.'

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