Magical Training

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After Viper has dealt with the money problem and both Tsuna's Flames and Magic were restarted, it was time for magical training as Tsuna had two months to rest from both and Viper managed to keep the idiot busy long enough for both rituals to happen.

Tsuna was happy as he feels much better and was ready to handle school properly now, but however, right now, he was staring at the odd books Hotaru had just fully brought with her as they are in a open field really with protection.

"What are these?"

"I am going to use the opportunity provided to get us both caught up to speed on our magic. Since we're still children... Well, children have always learned things a lot faster than adults because their minds are open to new ideas really."

"Really?" Tsuna looked on with interest as Hotaru brought out some rather odd looking flashcards with various symbols on it.

"Rune Mastery has always been one of the requirements of the Hibari Clan. It should be simple enough to give us both a basic knowledge of them and any child can learn how to use them." Tsuna picked up one of the cards, one that had a minor wind-based rune on it.

He absently traced it out of pure curiosity... So it was to everyone's surprise when a minor gust nearly blew the rest away, had Hotaru not been very quick enough to grab them. Hotaru blinked then looked at Tsuna.

"Right. Tsuna, you should have been picked up when you started school as most magical training began at age seven and was generally detected by the time they were in first grade." Tsuna was shocked at the power that he has with his magic.

"I'm still personally angry that Vongola Nono sealed you when you were five after you went active during their visit. Iemitsu claiming he didn't want you being dragged into the mafia... It's part of the reason why you're so clumsy."

"Wait, are you telling me it's his fault I got stuck with a label like Dame-Tsuna? That having my brain feel like it's overheating and that lethargic feeling I always got trying to do anything too physical was because he had me sealed?" Tsuna said furious.

"Yes and he paid for it by 'paying' for the two rituals to restart both. Now, let's start with the basics." Hotaru had fun as Tsuna learned to protect his mind and after finishing up the first year of their lessons and taking the test, they were in.

Hotaru was pleased as Tsuna and her are going to be sharing the same classes. Shame Nana can't know, but Tsuna can make it look like it's normal school stuff to have her sign it really which fully works. Hotaru has a crystal ball to help with her Seer/Oracle powers.

Tsuna has a minor affinity for Seer and has Tarot cards which he was very careful of as he could open a portal and he doesn't want some Demonic Spirits in his house really which Hotaru agrees with and has a smaller crystal ball for him to have two ways if he needs them really.

"But do we need to know Dark Magic?" Hotaru smirks at her friend.

"But what is Dark Magic, Tsuna?" Tsuna furrowed his brows, a bit confused by the answer.

"Magic which wounds, kills, harms..." Hotaru smirks even more.

"The answer of a Gryffindor if in Hogwarts, but you're describing a vast part of what is Magic there. Should we limit ourselves to the use of Light spells following your definition we would only use cleaning charms and healing ones. Take the polishing charm...

What would happen if you were to polish the floor at the top of a staircase to the point that it made it slippery, what would happen if someone in a hurry happened to climb up those stairs and slip on it, falling down the stairs, killing himself in the process?

Would it be Dark Magic? Or take this flesh eating charm. Now you're in a battle and one of your fellow soldiers is hit with a rotting charm in the arm. If you're powerful enough to control the power of the flesh eating curse...

Will you use it to remove the cursed bit of flesh then use a flesh growing potion, or would you let your comrade die for fear of using a Dark curse?" Tsuna looked down, Hotaru does have a point. But... Using Dark Arts...

"What I want you to see, Tsuna is that there are curses that are inanely dark, nothing can be said about them, but that most curses, spells, jinxes and hexes are not either Dark or Light, but both and that it will be you that will fully determined if the Magic is Dark or Light." Hotaru said as she helps her friend out.

"Of course, this is my point of view, should you ask any British Mages, they will say that Dark is Dark and Light is Light, there is no in between for him. But the truth, Tsuna, is that magic is essentially neutral."

"Neutral..." Tsuna whispered writing what remained of his magical school work. Hotaru has gotten him good and he asked the senseis and got the same answer as Hotaru told him. Neutral really making him to be even more comfortable with magic.

Viper managed to get the idiot a month off and he took his wife away leaving Tsuna alone which Hotaru used to cleanse the house and remove a lot of dark stuff really which calms Tsuna really. Tsuna didn't like that one time they went into the Suicided Forest.

Hotaru has helped many spirits cross over and managed to find how deep the forest is with her crystal ball and used her Wind Flames to cut the trees down and have them pilled up with the dead bodies brought back up for proper burials really.

Tsuna still couldn't believe that Hotaru did that! It was scary as shits in there! Police did found the bodies and they did have them properly buried which calmed a lot of spirits and the forest taken down finding fresh bodies for the police really.

'Though why oh why oh why did she have to summon my three times great-grandfather?!' Giotto was pleased and hugged Tsuna allowing him to call him 'jii-san' which fully calms Tsuna down really. Giotto wasn't happy with Iemitsu, but pleased with both revenges really.

Tsuna could get use to this and he likes Giotto a lot. Viper has gained a lot of money and Hotaru doesn't care as she can deal with the very money part for her plus the many businesses, the rent collecting and everything else really. Hotaru cares less about it which shocks Tsuna as she's rich!

"And money doesn't buy happiness or love or even friendship! That's all I ever wanted and I have it! I don't care where the money goes!" Hotaru sounded serious there and Tsuna just calms her down really.

"Sorry." Hotaru curls into Tsuna's chest and both slept through the night with Giotto kicking every demon asses for trying to harm his dear grandson and his fiancée while they're asleep.

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