Chapter 1: Birth

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 Part 1: Deascension

"Come on, little one," I heard a distorted voice say, "just a little bit more." I pushed hard against the shell of my egg until eventually.


I tumbled out, opening my eyes for the first time. All I saw was a blur, I could not smell, and my ears rang.

"Hello there, little Drydra," one of them said to me; I was barely able to make out the voice.

"It is so good that you were able to have more children," one of those next to her said.

"Yes," she said back to them, "though not all of them hatched, I am grateful for those that did." I looked around and faintly saw fuming pools of acid around me. "Come on now," she said to us, bringing her head down. I struggled to get up, it was difficult to lift my body with four weak legs, but in time, I succeeded and raised my body above the ground.

I swivelled my neck to look at my body, it was a lighter shade of emerald green than the other Dragons around me. I saw that I had four legs, a neck, two wings and a tail; somehow, I knew my body was made up of vines with solar lines running along them. I had grown used to the feeling of living I could properly hear, see and smell. It was a feeling that felt both strange and wondrous at the same time; I breathed in, expanding my chest and de-expanding it. I thought it best that I follow the others. There was nothing else I could do besides that.

I joined my brothers and sisters and followed my mother to what I presumed to be our home. A large dome of interwoven vines in a vast green plain with giant trees in the distance. She unfolded her wing towards the entrance.

"Come in, little ones and get comfortable," we did as she asked and entered, laying down on mounds of soft vines. She peered her head into the entrance it taking up the entire doorway.

"Wait here, I am going to get another to join us." With that, she left us alone and we sat in silence; I tried to speak like my mother, but I just could not get the words out. I could hear my siblings doing the same as a garbled wave of noises chased our mother.

"Since it will take a few minutes for their cores to normalise, they will not be able to speak, so you can ask the questions," I heard our mother's voice say. The dome grew, and my mother was followed by a different Dragon.

This one had bark skin with large plates over his body; he had a broad chest and arms like tree trunks so large that his fists hit the ground when he stood. His face was flatter than ours with small teeth and atop his head small mushrooms for horns; I saw his legs were tiny compared to his arms; they only suitable for supporting his body, so he walked using his arms. When he passed, I saw he had a thick tail tipped with a jagged mace of bark.

"Children," he nodded before sitting behind us.

"Now my children, Baragon," she said, "listen well, for I am about to tell you how this world and our great race were created."

We all stared at her with shocked looks, we had literally just been born, and now she was going to tell us how our world and we were created. I began to doubt that I could handle the information. I heard several of my siblings unleash garbled cries in protest. "Well, at the beginning of time and space, there was nothing but the Dragon god of Dragons, Ominomgon, who then created Eldragoon, the Dragon god of the elements. Now, which would you like to know first it is alright we will get to the other in time.

"Mother," one of my brothers who learned to speak faster than the rest of us asked, "what are these elements."

"Well, now pay attention because I am not saying this twice. Every Dragon belongs to an elemental kingdom which determines its environment, mannerisms and magic. Some even have Dragons unique to their region." I saw her breathe in, "first, there is the earth element. Dragons of this kingdom are Geomancers shapers of the very ground we stand upon. Their kingdom is a barren land of deserts and mountains. As for earth Dragons themselves, they have the most defence and strength of all the kingdoms with a will as hard as their element. They are also the heaviest and absolutely detest flying preferring to use it to attack and burrow instead for travel. Why there are no earth Wing-Wyverns for that very reason..."

Draimon: Fracture: Erasend- Book 1: DeascensionWhere stories live. Discover now