Chapter 3: Begin

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Even with my eyes closed and my core in a state of near-sleep, I knew when the Scyclaw awoke, opening my eyes, I saw the Dragon wake up and stretch his arms and legs. He even stretched out his scythes. As I walked over, he saw me and gestured his head towards me; when I reached him, he said, "want to rub my back? I will do yours."

"What, no," I replied, "I want to fight you."

"I know," he replied, "would be unjust to turn you down, o great and mighty Primordagon." My core felt strange when he said that, "and dishonourable to hold back."

"Neither will I," I replied.

"Now let us do this right, we will each put some distance between us, and then we will begin."

"Right," I turned my back and walked away with him doing the same.

"That is far enough," he said; I turned around and saw him facing me, his body crouched and scythes ready.

"Ready when you are," he said.

"Ready," I replied, getting into an offensive stance. He began dashing blades behind the moment I said so, the Scyclaw was coming so fast, and I had no clue what to do. So I just stood my ground, him smirking; he leapt high into the air, myself dodging to the side just out of the blades as they pierced the earth, "missed," I said.

"You sure," and spikes of bark burst from the ground, driving themselves into my body and lifting me. "Should have dodged farther away," he said, smiling as he did, "your core should be in your tail," he was out of my sight, but I felt him behind me.

"I will not lose so easily!" I roared, swishing my tail to the right.


"Thanks for the hint," I said, swishing it back and slamming it into him. Now I just had to get free; my core was safe and bracing my back feet against a spike each pushed, them breaking and freeing me.

"I will give you time to heal," he said, pacing around me.

"O, how honourable," I replied.

"It is not right to attack when your opponent is weak ." I forced the shards out and felt my wounds close.

"My turn," I said, placing my front claws on the ground and pouring my energy into the ground. Thick vines quickly rose and advanced towards the Scyclaw, him slicing them away when they came near. I manced the tendrills to circle around and then curl around his arms. He struggled to get his arms free, letting me wrap them around his body, I sent more energy into his cage, but they would not constrict. I ran at him and used my wings to lift me into the air; as I hurtled towards him, I saw him smile, and the earth around my cage turn brown. Looking closer, I saw one of his claws had grown longer and embedded itself into the ground. He bound the mass together and bit down on the vines, then, in one motion, threw the bundle at me.

As it stuck, it splayed out, blinding me. The next thing I felt was intense pain as the whole of my body was cut in two down the front and tumbling to the ground. I saw the damage that my lower half was cut away, leaving me with my head, wings and half of my tail. I saw him stand over me; I got an idea, I attached the tip of my tail to the other tip, and the two tips fused, perfect, I thought. I flapped my wings to lift me above ground, bringing the other half of my body; with a flick of my tail, I whipped my lower half into the Scyclaw. The lower half knocked him down as his guard was lowered. I positioned my legs over his body and fused with my lower half; I drove my claws into the ground aiming to crush his head, his head swaying to the side. I went in for a bite, but he held my jaws apart with the ends of his arms. I strained my jaws to shut, but still, he held them wide open. His mouth lifted into a slight smirk, partially showing his teeth.

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