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It's been a month since Bucky and Steve have gotten married.

The break of dawn poured through the crack of the blinds and a warm glow was placed on the brunette's face as he slept. Steve woke up and felt something tickle his chin. He looked down to Bucky sleeping peacefully on his chest. He looked to the left and saw that it was 7:30. He reached out to his phone when he felt Bucky stir. He ran his fingers through his fluffy dark hair.

"Good morning gorgeous" Steve said in a gravely voice.
The brunette mumbled something which the blonde couldn't comprehend but it place a smile on his face anyways. He took his phone and started scrolling on Instagram looking at all the fanart his fans have made. After a while he puts his phone down and 'rests his eyes' for a 'few minutes'. He wakes up again at 11 30 doesn't see Bucky on his chest. He gets out of his warm bed and bends down to kiss Bucky on his forehead. Steve goes to brush his teeth and then puts on a baggy t shirt and goes and makes breakfast.

A few minutes later, Bucky comes downstairs and snakes his arms around the older man's waist and rests his chin on his shoulder.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Steve said with a light chuckle.
Bucky rolled his eyes.
"Morning" he said with sleep evident in his voice.
"Is Wanda still sleeping?" The blonde asked eyes fixed on their breakfast
"Don't know. Lemme go check"
As soon as Bucky turned around Wanda came down with her hair in a messy bun and baggy sweatpants and an oversized plain grey sweatshirt.

Bucky went over to her to make she's alright and helped her sit down on a stool at the island.

"That better be for me" she said holding her stomach trying to see what Steve was making.

(Okay so basically Steve proposed to Bucky in July and after they were engaged Bucky and Steve wanted a kid so they asked Wanda if she could be their surrogate and she said yes and they got married in December and Wanda is 6 month pregnant)

Steve nervously chuckled and nodded "of course it is."
To be honest, Bucky and Steve were low key scared of Wanda, because when she was hungry she was angry. Steve gave her a plate of pancakes with bacon and eggs and a smoothie and she practically inhaled that. Steve and Bucky looked at her in shock.
"What?" She asked wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.
"Uh um"
"Do you want anything else" Steve said saving Bucky from a lecture
"Yeah could I have some more pancakes please" Steve got up and made some more pancakes along with his and Bucky's breakfast.

A few minutes later, Bucky got a call from Natasha saying that she knows the gender of the baby and she'll be there tonight to set up the party for the next day

Bucky told Steve and Wanda and their faces lit up.
"I think it's gonna be a boy" Wanda said with a proud look on her face.
"So do I" agreed Bucky.
Buck and Wanda looked at Steve.
"Its gonna be a girl. I just know it"
"Alright bet" Bucky place $20 on the island, so did Wanda and Steve.
Steve gave them their breakfast (Wanda's second) and switched on The Office. After they finished, Steve puts their plates in the dishwasher and him and Bucky headed upstairs to have a shower, leaving Wanda by herself.

(Smut ahead ) ☺

(I just wanna say I did not write this. I had help from my friend who has written things like this before 😂)

Bucky followed Steve to their room a little while later. Bucky walks in and gets a good look at Steve in a towel, his body barely covered, his waist draped in a tiny Captain America towel, Steve notices Bucky who's blushing uncontrollably.

"Steve, i-"

"I'm heading into the shower."

Steve grins, and walks off into the bathroom, leaving Bucky flustered. He pops his hand back out and signals Bucky forward. Bucky slowly walks forward and Steve yanks him by the collar, and whispers softly in his ear.

"Strip down soldier boy, and join me."

Bucky aggressively rips of his clothes, but his trousers don't come off completely and he falls flat on his face. He gets up embarrassed, and pulls his trousers off. Properly. He walks in to the bathroom. And past the steam he sees Steve, he's soaking wet, soap dripping down his chest, water trickling down his neck. Bucky walks forward and opens the shower door. Steve turns to look at him and he kisses him passionately. He reaches down and lifts up Bucky's p*nis, Bucky moans gently.

"I want you inside me Bucky. "

"Yes, Captain."

He rubs some soap onto his member and Steve bends over, holding onto the shower head. He thrusts his c#ck inside him and Steve moans louder and louder everytime. He bites his lip, as ex-soldier goes deeper and deeper, the water sprays over their bodies, Steve clenches harder onto the shower head, Bucky thrusts harder and harder, and Steve moans louder and louder. His hands firmly clenched around the shower head and it snaps. Bucky climaxes deep inside Steve simultaneously, and water sprays uncontrollably all over them. He pulls out, and Steve corners him against the shower door and kisses him as hard as he can on his lips. He brings his lips off him as they breathe heavily.

"Bucky, that was amazing."

"Your paying for the shower head, by the way."

Steve chuckles and he opens the shower door, the steam trapped inside bursts out and his skin is covered in tiny droplets of water. He grabs a towel and dries himself off and then pats Bucky down before walking off into the bedroom. Bucky follows smiling to himself.

Rogers puts on a pair of grey sweatpants with a small Captain America shield on the thigh and a plain navy blue sweatshirt that really brought his ocean blue eyes. Bucky wore a red t shirt and a blackish-grey overcoat and some black jeans.

Steve fell asleep after their little 'session'. Bucky kissed his forehead and left the room with a small smirk on his face and went into the living room where he saw Wanda asleep on the couch and covered her in a black and white chequered blanket. He went over to the fridge and found it empty. He left a note on the island...

Gone to get groceries
Be back later
James :)

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