𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙰𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚎⚠️

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Steve woke up at 8 30am. Peggy was fast asleep in between him and Bucky.
it was their anniversary today, and he wanted to try the same thing he did on valentine's day.....'forget' but he knew that Bucky would know that he's pretending.
He slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He slipped on a hoodie and shorts and went for a run.

He picked up some flowers, chocolate and a Happy Meal on the way back. He put the 'gifts' on the island. He then went upstairs to have a shower then came down and started making some oatmeal for Peggy and some waffles for his husband.
"mr Rogers....... miss Peggy has awoken and is calling for you"
Steve quickly set up the waffles and oatmeal, took off his apron and went upstairs to his daughter.

"Good morning Pegs"
"stOp doing that Peggy"
She threw her head back and started laughing. Steve gave her a bath and put on a pair of overalls and a short sleeved t shirt and took her downstairs.
He put her in her highchair when Jarvis said "Mr Rogers.....Mr Barnes has woken up"
"Tell him to shower and come downstairs"

Steve continued to feed Peggy oatmeal and when he heard his bedroom door open, he quickly wiped Peggy's mouth, put the bowl in sink, fixed his t shirt and took Peggy out her highchair and placed her on the island and held the bouquet of flowers, standing behind Peggy.

Bucky gasped and ran up to Steve, jumping up and wrapping his legs around his waist, nearly making Steve fall.
"happy anniversary baby" he said, his voice muffled.
"PapAa" she interrupted. She shifted closer to them. Bucky pecked Steve on the lips before getting down and giving Peggy a kiss before digging into his waffles.
"So....what do you wanna do today?" Bucky asked with a mouthful of waffles.
"Stop speaking with your mouthfull first." Bucky rolled his eyes and swallowed the food.
"*sighs* so.....what do you wanna do today."
"I was thinkingggg we could drop Peggy off at Tony's or T'challa's and we could go to that diner we went to on our first date."
"Which one?"
"Buck- that 40s themed restaurant. ReMeMbEr. you said it made you feel nostalgic..."
"oh yeahhhh. I remember."
"so.....what do you think?"
"Yes. of course.....wait. why can't we drop Peggy off at Nat's."
"She's out of town."


They ended up dropping Peggy off at Tony's because T challa was extremely busy and Shuri had training and Okoye was out with Natasha and Nakia had to help T'challa.

"Here are her diapers, clothes and toys"-Steve
"Peggy.. we'll come and pick you up tomorrow afternoon..ok?"-Bucky
she nodded and outstretched her arms for Wade. Steve and Bucky didn't trust Wade. it's not that they didn't like him....they did.....it's just that he's a mercenary and dangerous.
Wade took her and went upstairs with Peter.
"She's safe right?.......with Wade" Steve asked, concern shown clearl in his voice.
"Of course she isss" pepper reassured.
"see. she's fine. perfect. come on now let's go. Thanks alot guys. bye"-Bucky


"Babe. that was amazing" Bucky said. he linked his arm with Steve's and walked to the car.
"Yes. it. was"

They got in the car and listened to Harry Styles, cranking up the volume and singing along (because....who wouldn't). Steve kept his hand on Bucky's thigh, the whole trip home.


really badly written smut⚠

As soon as Steve got into bed, Bucky attacked him with a rough but passionate kiss. He rolled on top of him and started grinding his erection with Steve's. The Winter Soldier started to unbutton his shirt and Steve started to do the same. They took off their trousers as well, throwing them across the room, leaving them both in only their boxers. James licked Roger's bottom lip, asking for entrance which Steve playfully denied. He grinded harder onto his crotch letting out a small moan come from the blonde, leaving a big enough gap for Bucky to slip his tongue in. He smirked into kiss.

Steve palmed his husband's crotch through his boxers, making the brunette moan into the kiss. the blonde slowly pulled his boxers off, revealing his huge member. Bucky stroked it softly, teasing him. the captain arched his back into the touch, wanting more. Afte they pulled away, a long string of saliva connected their lips (if that makes sense). He cupped the top's balls and started sucking on his neck until he found his sweet spot which earned him another low moan. he kissed all the way down his chest...to his stomach until he reached Steve's dick. (what am I doing) he kissed the tip and licked it from the base to the top. Steve began to get impatient so he grabbed a handful of his husband's long, silky hair and pushed his head down, making him gag. he loosened his grip as Bucky started to go up and down, taking in the whole length. He began to pick up the pace and Steve threw his head back and he felt like he saw stars. He let out another moan.
"Bu- buckkkk. I- i- i- I'm cllose." he arched his back and climaxed in Bucky's throat. The white wolf swallowed every last bit. he took off his boxers and moved upwards and began making out with Steve again, sitting on his lap. They pulled away. Steve lined himself up with Bucky's entrance and looked at Bucky. He nodded and Steve slowly pushed himself in, earning a groan from the bottom. He looked at Bucky again.
"you can move" he said, not even above a whisper. Steve began moving his hips.
he grunted "oh fuck. after all the times we've done this, you're still tight"
he began to pick up the pace, unknowingly.
"SteEEEve. Fa- faster" he groaned. Steve went faster and they both threw their heads back.

The room was filled with moans and groans of all pitches.
Steve pushed Bucky down (so he was on his back), not leaving him. He hovered above him and went faster and deeper after every thrust. The brunette dug his nails into his lover's back.
"StEeeEve. iiii'm cl close"
"me too babe"
Steve grabbed Bucky's member and began pumping it fast, still going at a quick pace. Bucky threw his head back and arched when he came. Steve climaxed deep inside the sergeant shortly after.

He collapsed next James, his chest going up and down quite quickly. He turned to Buck who was still breathing quite heavily. Bucky turned and met his eyes.
"That...was fucking amazing" he smiled softly and slowly closed his eyes. Steve pecked his lips and pulled the sheet over them.....falling asleep into a deep slumber.

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