Kiaras backstory

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Duncans P.O.V
I was walking through the forest in search of new recruits for the grey wardens when a woman came running up to me scared.

Something seemed off about this woman though..."please you have to help me" the woman begged. "what's the matter ms?" i asked and she explained that she was a demon trying to escape from a demon hunter Who wanted her to have a child before he found her.

"please i just need to conceive a child...Afterwards you can keep the child and i will disappear forever" she begged. I thought about it for a while and agreed to help the poor woman.

After a few months passed, the woman had a daughter and quickly said goodbye to me before running off, leaving me with the child. I looked down at my daughter and picked her up.

When my daughter opened her eyes, they were a beautiful icy blue color like her mothers. I decided to name her Kiara and when she was older i would teach her everything i knew.

She had a great potential in her and and she would make an excellent grey warden when the time came.

Kiaras P.O.V
As the years passed, i was now 5 years old and daddy was teaching me how to defend myself and how to be quick at dodging attacks. "dad... This is hard.." i complained making my father chuckle and kneel down to me "it takes time kiara, you'll get the hang of it if you keep practicing" he told me and i nodded.

Finally after a few months, i had mastered fighting with dual swords and my father gave me my very own swords making me so excited. I eventually met a prince named Cailan and we became best friends within a few days.

Several years later, i was now an adult and ready for the joining to become a grey warden. My father told me that i was to be joined with two other recruits and i was rather curious to know who they were.

I knew the risks of becoming a grey warden but i was filled with determination that i could survive the joining and make my father proud. I was talking to my best friend, king Cailan who inherited the throne after his father died, when my dad came in with the new recruits.

One of them caught my eye, he had blonde hair that was spiked up and brown eyes, and so very handsome. I felt myself blush and Cailan must have noticed because he began to tease me.

"someone have a crush on the new recruit already? My my kiara you are a bad bad girl" Cailan joked making me punch him playfully "joke like that one more time my dear friend and im feeding you to the darkspawn" i joked back and he chuckled.

My father came up to me and smiled "why don't you go meet the new recruits and get to know them before the joining begins?" he said and i nodded before playfully punching cailan and running off.

The first recruit i approached was named Jackson(just making it up because i don't know who was in the joining with alistair), he came from Redcliffe and was a bit scared. I understood his emotions as grey wardens took risks to become what they were and i did my best to comfort him.

The second recruit, my crush, was named alistair, he was supposed to be a templar but he didn't like it at the chantry and Duncan had envoked the right of conscription on him to save him from the grand cleric. I smiled, knowing that alistair had really liked my dad for doing that for him.

Once it was time for the joining, i was super excited and couldn't wait, and if im being honest... I can't feel any burning pain so if i were dying i wouldn't be able to feel the pain to know i didnt survive.

My father called me up and i drank the darkspawn blood in the chalice and my eyes went white as i could feel the darkspawn in the deep roads searching for an old god to taint.

Once my eyes went back to normal my father called up alistair and he could feel the burn of the darkspawn blood unlike me and he was coughing on it as it burnt his throat. I began to worry as he passed out, father said that he was still alive and i sighed with relief.

Next Jackson was up and he drank the darkspawn blood and it burnt his throat as well but he didnt make it and i felt sorry for him. "I'm sorry Jackson..." my father said as Jackson died.

And that was when my life began but little did i know that it would change my life forever.

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