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Kiaras P.O.V
We arrived in lothering and it was a small village and i don't think it would survive the darkspawn. We were stopped by some "toll collecters", i knew exactly that they just wanted our money.

Elissa attacked on sight, which was a huge shock to me considering how polite she was before. Though i didn't mind a good fight. I easily dodged their attacks and struck them down. My sweet little mabari snow was backing me up as well.

The leader, thought he could sneak up on me as the others were busy fighting but boy was he wrong. When he raised his sword, thats when i jammed my dagger into his stomach and twirled around, just in time to avoid his sword.

The leader was shocked and he pleaded for his life. Elissa, being the kind girl she was, let him go but only if he stopped preying on those fleeing the darkspawn.

We then went down the stairs and looked at Lothering "lothering... It paints a pretty picture" Alistair said and i slightly smiled, given how he has been quiet so far.

"have we finally gotten over our grief?" morrgian asked and they got into a bit of an argument, making me facepalm.  I sighed and looked at my father and mabari beside me who was shaking their heads.

Being part demon, i technically come from the fade so i am able to see spirits of those who are dead, so i am able to see my best friend and my father which makes me happy.

Eventually Elissa decided that we were gonna use the treaties to help us get allies against the blight and then get arl Eamon.

We then followed Elissa into a bar, only to run into loghains guards and I quickly went into a rage seeing some of the traitor's men. They must have noticed, because they quickly drew their swords and tried to attack me.

When i finally beat them, the captain became scared and i looked him in the eyes "i want you to send loghain a message..." i said with a bit of venom in my voice.

"o-of course what do want me to tell him?" he asked "you tell him that I know what happened! And how i saw him flee and leave my best friend and father to be dead, and that i will have my revenge!" i told him and he quickly nodded before running off.

Elissa then recruited someone named Leilana and we were about to leave Lothering, when we saw a quanari in a cage. Elissa talked to him, and tried to convince the revered mother to release him.

After a few tries, she finally gave up but then realized that i was a master at lockpicking so she asked me to pick the lock, which i gladly did so and Sten the quanari was recruited.

Right before we could leave Lothering, a group of darkspawn was about to attack two dwarves, but we stepped in quickly and killed them. Once Elissa was done talking we went to camp.

That night, i could feel the archdemon talking to the darkspawn, and i noticed that Elissa was tossing and turning in her sleep. I knew Alistair would tell her when she woke up so I looked at my best friend and father.

"I miss you guys" I told them and they smiled before hugging me "we miss you too Kiara" they told me and i felt like I was home at last.

His sweet girl| alistair x ocWhere stories live. Discover now