The battle

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Kiaras P.O.V
Finally it was time for battle! Father and i were standing in front of Alistair and Elissa, father explaining to them that they needed to go to the tower.

Alistair seemed a little upset that I was to be in battle and he wasn't which made me giggle slightly. "its by the kings orders Alistair" my dad said. Alistair sighed "fine but if the king asks me to put on a dress and dance the remigold i draw the line darkspawn or no" he replied.

I smirked "i want to see that" i said and Alistair looked at me "for you maybe but it has to be a pretty dress" my father sighed and I smiled. "where will you and Kiara be Duncan?" Elissa asked my father.

"our place is to fight by the kings side, again by the kings orders" father explained and Elissa nodded understanding what to do and my father and i headed to Cailans side.

I had never been so excited before to be by my best friends side and my father in battle. I looked at the darkspawn horde and smirked, ready to kick their butts.

Cailan ordered the archers, and then the war hounds, and finally it was our turn to fight the darkspawn and we all charged into action, dodging and killing the darkspawn.

After a while of fighting, i noticed the beacon was lit up and i saw loghain flee the field and that made me angry. But then i noticed an ogre going for my best friend and i quickly tried to attack the ogre but it slammed me away and i was stabbed by a darkspawn in the stomach.

Luckily i was able to kick the darkspawn back and killed it, but when i looked up i saw that the ogre had picked up cailan and snapped his back, killing him and throwing him on the ground.

I began to cry, before i saw my father kill the ogre angry at it for killing the king and when he was finished i noticed he was wounded. "d-dad.." i said and crawled to him next to cailan.

Father looked at me and held me close one last time "go Kiara... Defeat the archdemon... Make me proud..." he told me before darkspawn came and killed him right in front of me.

Tears ran down my face and i quickly used what little strength i had left and sprinted towards a hut i remember going to before, as i approached I saw Alistair and passed out from blood loss.

A few hours later, I woke up and saw Alistair looking at me with a worried face. "thank the maker you live! I thought i lost you too..." he said and i remembered what had happened to my father and i began to cry again.

Alistair tried to comfort me but it was no use, i lost my father and my best friend in battle all thanks to loghain. I failed to keep my promise to protect my friend...

I sniffed, taking the loss of Duncan and Cailan harder than both Alistair and Elissa. I barely payed any attention to what everyone else was saying, all i could think of was my father and my best friend.

Alistair's P.O.V
After we finished discussing what should be done, i noticed Kiara was still sniffing a bit. I felt so bad for her, Duncan actually was her dad and Cailan, my half brother was her best friend.

I didn't take the news well myself, but she was actually there to see it, her best friend and father killed right in front of her. There's no way anybody can see that and just not care.

Before we left for Lothering i asked Elissa if we could stop for a bit so I could talk to Kiara and she agreed. When i turned to Kiara, she had burst into tears again.

I walked to her and hugged her "Kiara I'm devastated about Duncan's and Cailans death too but your dad wouldn't want us to mourn he wants you to make him proud, to prove that you are a worthy grey warden" i told her.

She looked up at me with her beautiful icy blue eyes and slightly smiled. "Thx Alistair, that's almost exactly what my dad said before we went into battle..." she replied. I smiled and was about to lean into her when she booped my nose and told her dog to attack me.

"he-ey!" i said before her dog, snow had tackled me to the ground and began to lick me. I couldn't stop laughing and i heard Kiara giggling.

Morrigan rolled her eyes at this and scoffed. Snow barked happily and followed Kiara as we began our journey to Lothering.

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