Rescuing the queen

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Kiaras P.O.V
After the event at ostagar, we went back to denerim and went to go save Anora, my best friends wife. I somehow heard the archdemon  talking when we go inside arl howes estate.

I was scared and I turned to my dad "dad... I-I can hear the archdemon..." i told him which seemed to really worry him. And i decided to do this mission alone so nobody was with me except the spirits of my dad and cailan.

Dad told me to ignore the archdemon and so I did and walked to where Anora was being held. "hello Anora" i said and she gasped from inside the room. "Kiara? You... Were there with my husband..." she replied.

"yea I was and your father thought he was a fool and left him to die on the field so that he could take his throne!" i said with a bit of venom which seemed to scare her a bit but I didn't care.

I sighed and went off to go find tge mage who put a spell on her door and i found a chest in the last room so I opened it to see some grey warden documents, confusing me.

Riordans P.O.V
I was in the dungeons, waiting for someone to distract the guard and when he was I grabbed him by the neck and choked him To death.

I then grabbed his keys, unlocked the door and dragged his body inside so that I could put his armor on. When I stepped outside however, I did not expect to see Duncan's daughter.

"makers breath! Is that you Kiara?" i asked and she quickly hugged me as I was like an uncle to her. "Riordan! I missed you so much!" she said and I chuckled.

"are these your papers uncle Riordan?" she asked and handed over the documents i had before I was captured. "yes thanks for returning them.. There's a grey warden vault in the warehouse in the back." I told her.

I was surprised that she called me uncle however, I know I was like one to her ever since I first met her when she was just 8 years old but to actually hear her call me that... I kind of liked it.

"Riordan... I know your not my real uncle but you're like one to me... And... Because my father was killed at Ostagar... You're the only family I have left." Kiara said and I felt so horrible for her.

"i'll be glad to call you my niece Kiara" I told her and she hugged me tightly befire we said our goodbye and I headed to arl eamons estate to rest.

Kiaras P.O.V
Once uncle Riordan left, I headed into the dungeons only to be stopped by a guard who knew I wasn't supposed to be there.

I didn't feel like fighting so using my demon like powers, I tapped into his mind to find out what he desired and I used that against him. He wanted a family and I gave that to him, playing as the children.

I told him that the other guards wanted to hurt us and he attacked them, allowing me to sneak away and free all those that I could except for the prevjous arl of denerims son since he was an ass and wouldn't be missed.

When I finally reached arl howe I tried offering him mercy but he wouldn't take it and attacked me. I sighed "your fault for messing with the daughter of Duncan, commander of the grey wardens" I said before I quickstepped to the side and stabbed him in the neck, killing him.

I then finished off the rest of the guards including the mages and freed the last two prisoners before I went back to Anora and freed her.

Anoras P.O.V
After Kiara freed me, we were about to leave but my fathers soldiers were waiting for Kiara to capture her. Kiara didn't back down and attacked them.

I watched as she swiftly dodged tge arrows and the swings of the swords, getting wounded every now and then and I wanted to help but I didn't want to get hurt, nor did I want to cross my father.

Just as I thought Kiara was about to fall and be captured, she quickly came up and slashed ser cauthrien right in the stomach, and threw her dagger at the last guard through his armor.

I was not expecting that... Duncan really did teach her well... And I assume she also learned from my husband and many others...

Kiaras P.O.V
Once I finished beating ser cauthrien, I turned around to see Anora was impressed by my skills but I ignored it not wanting the attention and I guided her back to arl Eamons estate.

When I got inside, I went to Eamon and told him that Loghain tried to have me locked up and he sighed. After talking with Anora and Eamon I turned to Alistair and slightly smiled.

"so.. Someone must have told Anora I was planning on sfealing the throne... She gives me a nasty glare" he said and I giggled.

"well you are the rightful king Alistair... If I'm being honest I'd like to rule beside you but... I probably won't be able to since people don't want a demon for their queen..." I said a bit sad.

Alistair's P.O.V
When Kiara said she wanted to be my queen, I felt happy but when she mentioned they wouldn't want her because she's part demon... It kind of hurt, she would make the perfect queen.

I love Kiara and I wanna make her happy so when I become king, I will make her my Queen whether the people like it or not. I can't abandon Kiara, I've known her for quite some time and I've grown so attached to her.

Kiara will be my queen if I become king and I won't let anybody take her away from me.

His sweet girl| alistair x ocWhere stories live. Discover now