The landsmeet

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Alistairs P.O.V:
I lost Kiara in the forest, I couldn't help but worry about her but I had to attend the landsmeet.  During the landsmeet, everyone decided against loghain and now his fate was to be decided.

Riordan wanted to recruit him but I reminded him what he did to us and I killed Loghain, making me the king of Ferelden. Tho i may be king my duties as a grey warden have to come first and the blight must be ended.

After the landsmeet, I began to worry about Kiara again, I should have kept a closer eye on her... My girlfriend... She was out there with those darkspawn, what if she was dead?

Riordan came up to me and asked where Kiara was and i panicked. "uhh we went into the forest and she disappeared from my sight, and then I heard her screaming but i couldn't find her" i replied and Riordan sank to his knees.

Riordans P.O.V
When Alistair explained what hapoened to Kiara, i sank to my knees. Kiara was like a niece to me, I lost Duncan my best friend and now my niece... I hope that she is alright, I know duncan taught her well.

I got up and sighed, knowing that i shouldn't mourn over Kiara and I turned to Alistair "i see... Well she's a strong girl Alistair Duncan taught her well" i told him and he seemed to be a little more at ease.

After talking to Alistair, I went off to get to redcliffe, but I noticed the horde marching off to Denerim with the archdemon leading and I saw a darkspawn that seemed... Familiar

His sweet girl| alistair x ocWhere stories live. Discover now