The circle of Magi

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Kiara's P.O.V
Elissa wanted to go to the tower if magi first so that's where we went. After finally convincing the knight commander, we headed into the halls.

"so Kiara... I've seen the way you look at me" Alistair said as Elissa just continued walking "what do you mean?" i questioned while blushing. "come on Kiara you can't deny that you're obviously in love with me" he teased.

My face went red like a tomato and I tried to hide it "ha! Me love someone so handsome as you? You must be mistaken" i joked at him and he pretnded to be hurt. "oh ow! Warn me next time you're gonna say something like that" he joked, making me giggle.

After facing many abominations, and demons, and finding wynne who volunteered to help us. We ran into a sloth demon and I growled at him. But he put us to sleep and we woke up in the fade.

Elissas P.O.V
I woke up in the fade, to see that i was in weissauht (i forgot how to spell it -.-). I walked until i saw what appeared to be Duncan standing in the middle and I ran to him and was happy to see him.

"Duncan! Wait.. You should be dead" i said and he laughed "me dead? I've been close many times but i never got there" he said and i was beginning to think that this wasn't Duncan.

"the darkspawn are defeated! Don't you remember? You were there in the last battle, when we slayed the archdemon, how it was a triumph for us all" he said and i was more confused then ever.

"n-no the darkspawn are still out there..." i said "foolish woman i offer you peace and you treat me with nothing but violence" he spat and I knew this wasn't Duncan. "no you're not offering peace" i said.

"it seems only war and death satisfy you, so be it" Duncan said before he began to attack me. I was able to defeat him, given it wasn't the real Duncan. I doubt i would actually be able to defeat him.

I then see a pedastal appear and i touched it, and i was in the raw fade and i began to explore.

Kiaras P.O.V
I was in the fade with my father and best friend laughing and having a good time. We were playing a game of wicked grace, telling stories.

Father then told me that he was so very proud of me, which made me happy. Then that's when i noticed Elissa walk up to us and i smiled.

"Elissa! Come join us in a game of wicked grace! I was just about to beat Cailan's butt!" i joked and Cailan smirked. "is that so kiara?" he teased and i nodded.

"Kiara you're in the fade this isn't real!" Elissa told me. "what do you mean? I have my father and my best friend! They're right here" i said confused. "no they're demons the real Duncan and Cailan are dead..." she told me.

I shook my head "n-no you're wrong! My father isn't dead!" I said and i felt father hold me close, "you will not take my daughter from me!" i heard my father say. "and i will not let you take my best friend" Cailan said.

Soon enough, Elissa defeated them and i snapped out of the trance  "maker's breath, I'm part demon and I myself got fooled? That is a mystery i will never solve... Well either way it was good to see my best friend and father even if they weren't real" i said.

Elissa smiled and i began to disappear "w-what where you going? No don't leave!" and i was gone.

Alistairs P.O.V
I was enjoying my time with my sister, Goldanna and her children when Elissa walked up. "there you are! This is my sister Goldanna" i introduced Elissa to my sister.

"she's not real Alistair" Elissa told me which confused me "you've been acting really strangely lately" i told her. "will our guest be staying for dinner Alistair?" my sister asked and i looked at Elissa.

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