The blight begins

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A few months later, every grey warden could sense an archdemon was now found and Duncan set out to find some new recruits as there were barely any wardens in Ferelden.

Kiaras P.O.V
I waited for my father to return with more recruits, i was excited to meet them, But i was also excited about the battle against the darkspawn that was coming up.

I was to fight with my dad and my best friend, the king. I had promised Cailan that i would protect him no matter what and I intended to keep that promise.

Soon enough, i saw my father come back and a new recruit was running around the camp trying to find someone. I smiled and walked up to her. "hi im kiara! Junior grey warden and Duncan's daughter" i introduced myself.

"im Elissa, my father was teryn Bryce cousland" she replied with a smile. "a pleasure to meet you Elissa! Are you looking for someone?" i asked and she nodded. "yes I'm  looking for Alistair"

I blushed when she mentioned his name but smiled "sure follow me" I said and began to lead the way to Alistair, who was talking to a mage.

Once Alistair was done talking to the mage he turned to us "you know, one thing good about the blight is how it brings people together" he said and Elissa gave him a weird look.

"you are a strange man" Elissa said and i smirked "you're not the first woman to tell me that" Alistair said as he looked at me with a smug look on his face.

I couldn't help but blush "umm im just gonna go uh see my dad before i uh make things um a-awkward" i said before i quickly ran off to my dad, leaving Alistair and Elissa confused.

Duncan looked at me with a smile, seeing that i was blushing. "i see you went to Alistair with the new recruit" my dad said and i rolled my eyes playfully. "shush dad i-its not like i l-like him or anything" i replied and began to daydream about him.

My dad smirked and gave me a look like "uh-huh sure". I snapped out of my daydream seeing my dad's face and became a little embarrased.

Soon enough, the new recurits and Alistair came up to Duncan ready to be given their task. "and you'll be going with them my daughter" my dad told me once he was done speaking with the others.

"WHAT?!?!" I was shocked at this as i was used to staying in the camp either by the King's side or my father's side. "you heard me, besides you're the most skilled in battle" he told me and I sighed. "yes dad" i gave in and went into the korcari wilds.

When we walked a few ways in, we spotted a wounded soldier and Alistair bandaged him up before he got up and left. Ser Jory, one of the recruits, was a bit scared and wanted to go back.

I looked at him with an annoyed look "dude i'm a woman and im braver than you are so if you wanna see your wife again i suggest that you man up and get your ass on the road" i told him making everyone else laugh.

After fighting a bunch of darkspawn and getting their blood, i found a flower that looked pretty and remembered that one of the mabaris was sick so i picked it up and put it in my bag.

We came across what used to be a tower to collect the grey warden treaties, only to find that they weren't there.  That's when we heard the voice of a female and we looked up to see what seemed to be a mage with black hair.

Daveth kept saying how she was a witch of the wilds and I became annoyed "oh for the love of maker can you just shut up about her being a witch!?! I swear to maker you boys are such scaredy cats!" i finally said shutting everyone up.

The mage laughed at my remark "i like her" she said "i'd be careful, first its 'i like you' then 'zap!' your a frog!" Alistair said and i rolled my eyes. The mage was named Morrigan and when Elissa asked, she took us to her mother, Flemeth.

And again the boys said she was a witch of the wilds and that's when i finally had enough and snapped. "THATS IT! I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE IM LEAVING YOU GET THE DAMN TREATIES!!" i yelled and ran back to ostagar leaving everyone dumbfounded.

When i arrived, my father looked at me and knew something was up when he saw how angry i was. "what's wrong Kiara?" my dad asked.

"we met some girls named Morrigan and her mother, Flemeth and the boys kept accusing them of being witches of the wild and how they would turn us into frogs and it just got on my nerves." i told my dad and he sighed.

By the time the others came back, it was night and dad told Alistair to take the new recruits to the temple. I stayed with my dad and helped to prepare for the joining.

"Dad... Why are grey wardens needed to slay the archdemon?" i asked my dad as we were on our way to the temple. "well... To put it short once the archdemon is slain... The grey Warden takes its taint and is sacrificed in the process" my dad told me and i quickly regret asking.

Once we arrived at the temple, dad got the chalice ready and Daveth was to drink first. When he did he could see the archdemon but he wasn't able to master the darkspawn taint and died. "im sorry daveth" my dad said.

Ser jory was scared at the sight and backed away. He then drew his sword and i growled "ser Jory there is no turning back at this point" i told him. "n-no i have a wife and a child on the way" he said and i sighed as he tried to attack my dad but he was too quick and my dad stabbed ser Jory.

"im sorry" my dad whispered to him and took his dagger out from his stomach.

Elissas P.O.V
I was shocked at the scene that happened before me, but Duncan called me forward and i took a drink of the darkspawn blood and it burnt my throat, i saw some sort of dragon, assuming that was the archdemon.

Eventually i passed out, but after a while i woke up to see Duncan, Alistair and Kiara looking at me. "welcome to the grey wardens" Duncan said as i got up. I couldn't believe that i survived the joining, but i was at least happy to be alive.

Duncan said that the king wanted to see us so the two of us started walking towards where Cailan was, when Kiara went running to Cailan which confused me.

Cailans P.O.V
I was going over plans with loghain when i heard someone running towards me and i knew who it was, my best friend.

I turned around and opened my arms and she hugged me as i hugged back. "good to see you again Kiara!" i told her and she playfully stuck her tongue out, making me chuckle.

I then saw Duncan and the new recruit walking behind her. "is she your wife?" the new recruit asked and both mine and Kiara's eyes widened.

"NO!" we said in unison before we looked  at each other "no shes just my best friend" i told her and Elissa nodded. I turned to Duncan and talked to him about the plan and loghain insisted on going over them again.

He didn't think me going into battle with the other grey wardens was a good idea but i disagreed "you will remember who's king" i told him and asked for Elissa and Alistair to make sure the beacon was lit.

Nobodys p.O.V
Kiara had snuck away from the conversation and went to the kennel master handing him the wild flower she found and muzzled the mabari who seemed to take a liking to her.

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