Return to ostagar

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Kiaras P.O.V
After being strangled by Elissa, who was no longer the leader and that title was handed to me by the arl... I had us travel to bann lorens land and there we saw my best friends right hand man.

I waited until the guards left and quickly went down to him, and I bandaged him up. When he woke up, he quickly recognized me "Kiara? Is that you? You were in the battle... King cailan and your father would be proud" he said and I couldn't help but smile.

After talking for a bit, he gave me a key to cailans chest and we headed to ostagar to retrieve some documents and marics blade and also to get revenge on the darkspawn that killed our fellow wardens.

When we got there however, I felt sad... I grew up here in Ostagar and to see it all destroyed shattered my heart. Ostagar was the only home that i had ever known.

I noticed that some of the darkspawn had my best friends armor and I made sure to collect them all, the darkspawn didn't deserve to have his armor.

After collecting tge documents and marics blade, we went across the bridge and there I saw my best friends body just hanging up. "cailan.... You deserve better than this..." i said before a darkspawn necromancer interrupted the special moment.

We followed the necromancer into the battlefield where I had memories of watching the darkspawn kill my father right in front of me.

The necromancer revivef the ogre the killed my best friend, making me twitch rememberibg that horrible seen and I quickly went into a rage and attacked the ogre.

I jumped on it and kept stabbing it, just as my dad did when he defeated it and the damn thing finally fell and i took my father's swords from it and held them close to me for they were everything...

I looked at Alistair who just killed the necromancer and was staring at the ogres body. My body began to shake, i trief to find my dads body so that I could honor him and burn his body but there was nothing.

Alistairs P.O.V
I was staring at the ogre that Kiara killed, still shocked at how fast she killed it. She must have been pretty mad, can't say I blame her though.

Then I noticed she was shaking and looking for something "what are you looking for my dear?" I asked and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"my father's body but theres nothing here..." she said and I held her close, knowing that the darkspawn took his body. "at least we can honor cailan..." i reassured her.

When we got back to cailans body. kiara took it down and we honored him by burning the body. I noticed that Kiara had duncans swords as her weapon of choice and I smiled, knowing she had something to remember him by.

Then again, she's the only one who can see his spirit and that makes me jealous a bit.

??? P.O.V
I was watching the group of friends as they mourned over their friend. For some reason I felt bad for the female warden... I don't normally feel any emotions.

I didn't love her or anything, but she had a different feel to her... She coukd see things, sense things that others can't. I was ordered by my boss to follow her around and keep an eye.

When I saw the others leave, she remained at the fire watching her friends body be burned. I was curipus as to why she didn't go with the others and I threw Duncans body towards her. And don't ask where I got it, I will never tell.

Kiaras P.O.V
The others left me to mourn since they knew I took cailans death the hardest. I sighed but then I heard something hit the ground and it startled me.

I got up and went to check it out and saw my fathers body, which made me gasp and I ran over to it. "what? But h-how did it get here?" i asked myself and suddenly I felt like I was being  watched.

Alistair came to check on me and saw Duncan's body and he was just as shocked as I was. I hugged his body, not caring about the awful stench that covered it.

I was happy to see my dads body and I placed it in the fire as well, honoring him and I sighed. But what I didn't know, was that watchful feeling was going to change my life forever.

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