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The ride back to Coruscant was silent, more so than was comfortable for Jaia. Obi Wan on her left, eyes slammed shut in meditation, and Anakin on her right, focused heavily on flying.

    Jaia knew that she should have felt relief, should have felt bliss for having been rescued from Obi Wan and her unfortunate predicament. A few more hours in that trap could have killed them, no doubt about it. Regardless, Jaia's heart hammered with guilt and confusion after having left the cave. She glanced at Obi Wan, who seemed at peace.

    Would they ever bring it up again?

    Glancing back over to Anakin, she couldn't help but notice the thin frown resting upon his face, the anger in his eyes and demeanor as he piloted the ship. Why had he been able to rescue them? Wasn't he with Padme?

    "Ani," Jaia started quietly, breaking the silence, "Is everything okay?"

    Anakin didn't answer. Instead, he shut his eyes for just a moment, sucking in a tight breath. His hair was messy, a sure sign that Anakin had been running his hand through it religiously; a sure sign of stress, conflict.

    "I'm glad I was here to rescue you both," he replied, voice monotone. Glancing at her quickly was enough time for Jaia to notice the pain in his eyes. Whatever happened with Padme wasn't good.

    "The council's going to be proud of you, I'm sure," Jaia mimicked the voice of a superior in hopes of cheering him up, but it was a failed attempt. Frowning, she turned to different methods of consoling. "Look, I know when you're upset. I always do. You can tell me what's wrong."

    Anakin shot his eyes over to Obi Wan suggestively, who was still deep in meditation, and then back to Jaia. Shaking his head, she came to understand the predicament. So this was definitely about Padme. "If something were wrong, I wouldn't hide it from you."

    Nodding in response, Jaia turned away, her heart pumping fast in her chest. Her neck still felt sore, her lips felt as though they had become purple, bruising from the feel of Obi Wan's teeth around them.

    She would have never coined it. She would have never predicted it. If she weren't there, she would have never believed it. Since Jaia could remember, Obi Wan had been a model jedi for the order, never faltering from the code and never failing to obey instructions. Not only that, but he had always made it very clear that he disapproved of Jaia.

    He had even admitted to his indifference to her as his lips had grazed her neck.

    Chills fled through her spine at the thought of their interaction. The slap, the kiss, the commentary. She had never experienced anything like it, and her mind had trouble focusing on anything else. Obi Wan Kenobi?!

    "How was the mission, besides being stuck with him?" Anakin asked, attempting to change the subject.

    Jaia coughed. "Oh, it was fine," she blurted out awkwardly, "Not... not horrible."

    "Not... horrible?" Anakin repeated, lifting his brows to look upon Jaia with amusement. Not that he had any sort of clue; this was innocent amusement, a hope that maybe Jaia and Obi Wan had mended their differences. What exactly had they done?

    "It was quiet," she shrugged, trying to cover her tracks, "Not much talking really. We thought since we might die, a quiet atmosphere without the voice of someone who annoys the crap out of you would be nice."

    Anakin nodded, shaking his head, and returning to his stern, upset gaze. Though it could have been mistaken, Jaia could have swore she saw the corner of Obi Wan's lip twitch upwards.

Torn (An Anakin x OC x Obi Wan Story)Where stories live. Discover now