Sick Damian

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It was five in the morning when Damian and Jason got back from patrol. During patrol it had started raining. Jason told Damian to go home,but he wanted to stay with Jason. Damian put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and went to bed.  It was concerning that Damian hadn't woken up and it was 9:30 already. When he did come down the stairs,Titus was dragging him by the sleeve,leading him to the table. Damian sat down and Titus jumped into the empty chair next to him. Damian's face was red and he was shivering. Sweat was trickling down his forehead though. Alfred handed him some tea and placed food in front of him. Damian picked up his toast and gently nibbled on it,after a few bites he set it down. When he got up,Titus walked next to him,guarding his tired owner. As Damian walked past Jason's  chair,he collapsed. Jason grabbed his arm in a rush,immediately scooping Damian up and placing his hand to Damian's forehead. "He's  so warm,Alfred go get a thermometer." Alfred ran off and Tim and Dick looked at their sick Baby bird. Stephanie and Barbra wore worried expressions as Cassie also ran to Damian. Jason pulled Damian to his chest as Damian came to. "Huh,What's going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?" They all cooed at his sick form,he looked adorable and Bruce said"You fainted Damian,you must have a fever from last night's patrol." Damian nodded on Jason's chest.  Alfred handed Jason the thermometer. "Can you all stop crowding me?" Damian exclaimed. Jason looked at thermometer. "102.4 degrees." Jason smiled. "Welp,bedtime Demon Spawn." Damian didn't even argue with Jason. Tim and Dick went over and told Damian to sleep well. Jason placed him in the bed.tucking him in as he slept. "Sweet dreams,Demon Spawn."  Damian groaned groggily. "Todd,please don't leave me."  Jason sat down on the bed,affectionately ruffling his sleepy brother's hair. "Okay,Baby bird,I'll stay,get some rest",Jason said,as his brother drifted off to sleep,Jason kissed his head. Jason stayed with Damian all day not even leaving him once. Damian smiled as he snuggled into the blanket,satisfied

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