Damian's Wild Zoo Adventure

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Requested By ChristianValdez966

"Little D,wake up. Come,baby Bat Wakie,Wakie." Dick said,shaking his brother awake from his slumber. "What?" He asked as he yawned and stretch the sleep from his muscles. "Get dressed,were going on a road trip." As Damian got into the car,he was greeted by his brothers. "Hi" he replied to all of them. As Bruce started the car,he explained it would be an hour drive. Damian began to nod  off again on Jason shoulder. Jason smiled,rubbing circles onto Damian's back.  As they arrived at the zoo,Damian jolted awake with a snore. "Huh?" he asked. "Hey there Baby Boy how was your sleep?" Damian didn't respond,instead he looked to his father. "Everybody out" he said as they excited the car. As soon as Damian saw the animals he was entranced. "Wow" he exclaimed. He looked at all the animals,but soon saw they were being forced to be in cages. He wanted to set them free. He unlocked every cage he could and said"Be free!!" Bruce and the others stared in shock as the terror sunk in. Then they realized who did it. All the heroes suited up and chased the animals around and put them back in there.  Then they saw Damian hugging a tiger. Batman panicked and ran to his son. He managed to grab Damian and held him close. "I'm sorry Father but they were all encaged,why would people do that." Damian cried. "It's okay Damian." He replied. As all the animals were  herded back into their cages Bruce smiled. Seeing his son crying made him realize Damian's love for animal. On the way back to the manor,Bruce decided to let it slide as the three youngest Bat-brothers napped in the back of the car. He and Dick picked them up and put them inside on the couch. Bruce vowed to never let Damian step inside a Zoo again,and to maybe buy him a pet.

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