3 Sick Birds

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Damian groaned as Dick placed a wet washcloth to his face. Oh sweet relief!! Damian closed his eyes spread out on the couch, as Jason and Tim were both on the chairs. All three of them were sick and Alfred took  a very convenient vacation. Damian closed his sick eyes, falling into a deep sleep while Jason and Tim complained.  "Ow!! My stomach hurts" Tim complained. Dick rushed over to Tim and handed him a blanket. He tucked Tim in on the reclining chair and hoped Tim would sleep. Jason was snoring softly when his head erupted with pain. Jason let out a soft cry and groaned. "Jason!! What's wrong?!" Dick asked quietly, trying his best not to wake the sleeping Damian ,or to disturb Tim, who was just  about to fall asleep. Tim got up, his fever making him delusional. He began prancing around, Jason and Dick watching with horror. "Where's Mom?" Tim asked delusionally. Dick and Jason froze. "Um at work. You need some sleep Timmy. Your mom told me so." Dick lied. "Mmm. Night Night." Tim said before collapsing with sleep. Jason's head started calming down then Damian awoke with a yawn,and then puked. He woke Tim and Jason’s headache got worse. Damian's throat was terribly sore and he was incredibly drowsy. He fainted in Dick arms. "Oh my. Damian?! Are you okay?!!" Tim asked in fear. Due to his nap he was no longer delusional but Jason was exhausted. So was Damian. Tim was a bit tired but very hungry. "I want food." Tim said. "I'll just order pizza I can't cook." Dick muttered. He ordered the food and as soon as the boys smelled it they were up. All three sick brothers ate until they were full and tired. "Finally" Dick sighed at all of his sleeping brothers.

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