Jason's Love

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Jason smiled excitedly. Isabel was coming back today from her flight. He twirled around in the mirror joyfully.
He couldn't wait to feel her lips upon his. The addicting taste made him feel amazing all over. The way she made him feel was so enchanting. Oh My God every touch sent an electrifying tingle down his spine. Every kiss made him feel he could fly. Isabel made him feel unique and special. Of course he knew he was. But she made him feel extra special. He got dressed for their all day date and let out a happy grin. "Well aren't we excited. Care to explain?" Tim asked. "Go away Replacement." Jason growled out. "I was just asking a simple question now spill. What's got your heartbeat going like crazy Jay?" Jason sighed. Of course Tim would meddle in his love life. "What do you know?" He asked.

"Enough to know that you're in love. Does Bruce know?" Jason turned to look at his younger brother. "Why on all of God's green Earth would Bruce know about my girlfriend?" Dick barged in. "Did I just hear Girlfriend? Tell me all about her. Is she pretty? How sweet is she? How does it feel when she's in your arms? Tell me." Dick just received two eye rolls. "Not now. I have an all day date with her. I'll be back this evening. Distract Bruce. Don't let him know where I am."  Tim and Dick looked at each other. With Damian on a date with Raven,they were on their own. They had to keep Bruce busy enough so he wouldn't notice his sons were missing. Jason fled out the door and waited for Isabel. After that their date began. They talked and had loads of fun but soon it all came to an end when thunder was heard in the distance. Jason ran into Rose who offered them a ride. Isabel jealousy snapped at her that they were going to get a taxi. "Don't waste your money on a taxi. Come on let's go" Jason blushed shyly as he heard the thunder. "Hey we should accept her offer." Isabel groaned. "Then I guess you'll be riding home alone then. Just do whatever you want okay? You guys can catch up and talk but leave me out if it!!" She ran off and Jason called after her. He ran after her in the rain, but soon his fear took over and he hid. As Isabel ran all over looking for him. Guilt washed over her as she searched endlessly for her boyfriend. She found him and called a cab. "I'm sorry. I'm just new to love." Jason nodded in her arms. She went a just glad they were okay.

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