Are You Okay?! Part 2 of 3 sick birds

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Finally peaceful and quiet. But sadly it didn't last. The food in Damian's stomach didn't want to digest. The poor kid ran to the trashcan as fast as his sluggish limbs would take him. Dick ran to his little one and rubbed circles on his back as he puked. "I don't like this." Damian sobbed. "What happened?" Tim asked sluggishly. Jason was out cold now that he'd ate but Tim was somewhat alert. "I know,Damian. Here I'll go get you some nausea medicine. You lay back down for a bit." Dick led Damian back to the couch where he'd been laying. Tim grabbed Dick's wrist. "Yes? What is it Timmy?" He asked gently. "Thanks for taking care of us." Tim muttered before passing out. "Of course Timmy. I love you. And all of our siblings." He said. After getting the medicine he realized it would put him to sleep for a bit. It had melatonin in it. "Oh. Well. I guess he's sleeping for a bit then. There's really nothing I can do about that" he gave Damian the medicine and smiled as Damian muttered "eww. Gross."  Dick rolled his eyes and tucked Damian in. "It's okay Damian. This'll help with the puking." He explained. A nod. Jason yawned and stretched out his limbs. "Um... hi?" He muttered. Has he gone into a food coma? "How long was I out?" Dick looked at Jason. "A few hours but you're still sick. You need more rest." Jason sighed and ducked back under the covers. Tim had his arm thrown dramatically over his eyes as he slept and Dick had to hold in his laughter. Tim was also snoring quietly but Dick still heard it. "Aww" he said. Jason had his arms crossed in his sleep,a position that much natched his personality. Damian had curled up with Alfred the cat,who was on his arm as Damian slept on his side. Would it be peaceful at last? Maybe now that Damian's out. Bruce came home after a long day of work and looked at his sick sons. "Did you seriously take care kf them all day?" Bruce asked. "Who else was going to. Nobody was home. So I had to. I don't made either. They're mine DON'T TOUCH THEM" Dick snapped exhaustedly at Bruce. "Maybe you should rest too. It's been a long day,right?" Dick sniffled. "Fine"

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