Fireworks and Cuddles (A bit sad)

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The youngest Wayne threw on his sweatshirt.  He was going to see fireworks with his family. Cassandra came in with a smile.  "Damian, come on." she called. He nervously gulped. His legs felt like jelly. As he walked down the stairs, his heart seemed to stop.  The bat family all got into the car. They went to the park where the fireworks would the brightest.  The family set up and Damian hoped it wouldn't be as loud as Todd said. "It's about to start." Dick said. The family gazed up at the now brightened sky, the dazzling dark blue firework popped. It was loud. Suddenly, Damián was back with Death stroke. 'What the' the youngest Wayne thought. Then the explosion that he'd set off got to him. HE screamed, feeling the pain all over again. Everyone looked at him while some called 911. Bruce desperately tried to wake his petrified son, but to no use. Damian wasn't even able to breathe he was so scared.  Dick was crying as Jason and Tim were to shocked to do anything. Stephanie and Cassandra were being shooed away be Bruce, who wasn't helping by practically chocking Damian in a hug. Black dots started to dance in his vision. His head felt like it was spinning, then everything went black, complete and utter darkness surrounding the youngest Wayne.  Damian was rushed to the hospital and they check him for health problems. "Well ,Mr. Wayne it appears your son was PTSD." Bruce nodded and tears strolled down his face. "We can give him anxiety medication, but I don't think you should take him to see fireworks again. The sedatives we gave him should wear off soon." With that Bruce went back to Damian's hospital room. Dick was holding his hand as Damian slept. Jason was on the hospital bed with Damian stroking his hair as Tim napped on Dick shoulder. Stephanie paced as Cassandra filled Alfred in on what happened over the phone. An hour later, Damian felt his eyes opening.  He drowsily looked at his family, who stared back. "Let's go home son" Bruce said. 

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