Chapter 3

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And so for the rest of the day, Sophie's anxiety for her own daughter where the only problems that she was able handle right now. That was, until Little Carly came back later on, with some rather explicit news. Meanwhile, Sophie was standing outside of her bedroom, looking rather suspicious, when suddenly Carly approaches.

Sophie kind of knew what she was going to say to her, but the only issue was, how come she came to her about it first, instead of going to someone else? Like I don't know, her father maybe?

But despite her own thoughts, Sophie decided to be a mature adult and listen to what she has to say before freaking out.

Sophie looked at Carly and smiled, while Carly looked a bit down in her own mood.

Sophie: "Oh! Hello Little Carly! How did it go?" Sophie asked rather excitedly.

But despite her mom's happy like mood, Carly wasn't really into it, because she knew that would go down the drain once she told her the news.

Carly: "Oh yeah. Um, hey. Um listen. I'm not really sure how to say this, so I just want your ears for this one okay? And please, please promise not to panic." Carly said nervously.

Sophie tilted her head in confusion.

Sophie:"What? Freak out? What do you mean? Why would I freak out? I mean, you can always tell me anything without me freaking out. You know that." She said despite her previous thoughts about the situation.

Little Carly then took a huge deep breath, and proceeded with the news.

Little Carly:"Ok. Mom? I'm pregnant." She told her.

And within that moment alone, Sophie froze up immediately at those words. She then began to give a creepy facial expression, as if she was about to explode in minutes.

Sophie:"What? What did you say?" Sophie said as her eye twitched.

Carly:"I'm pregnant. The test was positive, and the doctor says that I made a mistake by becoming pregnant at this age." Carly said frowning a bit at her mother's reaction.

Sophie quickly snapped out of her trance because she knew that this wasn't like her.

Sophie:"I mean, yeah you're pregnant! Wow! That's great! Congratulations!" Sophie opening her arms for a hug.

Carly didn't believe it. Despite everything including her own dad telling her to stay away from the enemy's son, she was quite relieved that her mother was at least a tad bit supportive.

Carly hugged Sophie out of happiness, as she thought that it was sort of a bad idea to tell her, but turns out she was wrong.

Carly:"Aw mom. So does this mean you're not mad?" Carly said during the hug.

Sophie:"What? Of course not! No! Now what did your dad say?" She asked her.

Carly lifted her head from her mother's shoulder and gave her a confused look.

Carly:"What do you mean?" She asked her.

Sophie:"I mean, didn't you tell him too?" Sophie asked with a worried expression towards what her answer might be.

Carly:"Well no. I didn't tell him yet. I was thinking maybe you could pass on the message." She told her.

At this point, Sophie felt like something was seriously wrong with this picture. Her heart immediately began to sink into a dark hole I'd like to call disgust and regret. But she couldn't let Carly see that side of her.

She quickly smiled.

Sophie:"You know what? Of course I'll pass on the message! Yeah I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear it!" Sophie said as she and Carly departed from the hug.

Carly lit up as she heard that her mom would do her that favor. Sophie however, had a lot to think about. Especially the fact that she has to tell someone close to her that his daughter went and got knocked up beyond his order.

And most importantly, how was she going to protect Kelly from the same thing? And keep herself in shape while she's at it?!

Oh boy, things about to get crazy ladies and gentlemen.

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