Chapter 4

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And so, after 3 days of getting her own thoughts together, Sophie finally decided that now was the right time(sorta) to tell Tom that his daughter, the very one he told to stay away from the boy staying in the castle on the other side of the kingdom, that she is expecting and that he will be a grandfather.

Although it won't be easy, considering that his child, despite being older, basically disobeyed him, and that she doesn't know any better.

But meanwhile, Sophie hadn't realized that she had been thinking about this, all the way up to she got to Tom's bedroom. And about 5 inches away from the rooms doorway, Sophie stopped in her tracks, just to make sure that she really wanted to tell him.

Sophie:"Okay Sophie. There's no stopping this now. You have a task, okay? A painful task. A horrid painful task. But that doesn't matter now! You have to tell him what's going on. Even if it kills you." Sophie told herself under her breath.

With that said, Sophie then proceeded to enter the King's bedroom.

In there, Sophie noticed Tom sitting on his bed enjoying a good book, when he suddenly notices Sophie in his doorway, looking a bit nervous I might add.

Tom:" Oh hello, Sophie. How are you this fine evening?" He asked her.

While zoned out, Sophie didn't know that she hadn't responded to him right away, she could only hear his voice.
She then snapped out of it once she realized he was talking to her.

Sophie:"Huh?! Oh me? I'm fine. Yes very fine. I'm okay, fine. I'm fine-okay!" Sophie said in a panicky voice.

She then entered his room, and sat down on his bed with him.

Tom:"Um Sophie? Are you feeling alright?" Tom said closing his book one she sat down.

At this point, Sophie knew that she couldn't hide it any longer.

Sophie:" You know what Tom? I'm not fine. No, I'm worst than "not-fine" She started.

Tom:"Oh. Well would you mind sharing what's troubling you? Surely it's something minor." Tom told her.

For some reason, this really bothered Sophie. And plus, Tom knew that Sophie wasn't the type of woman to really get fussy over something "minor". But, she kept her cool.

Sophie:"Really? No Tom. It is not something "minor", otherwise I wouldn't be acting this way. It's something really severe, okay? Something so severe, that even you would wish it had never happened." Sophie told him as a hint.

Tom didn't know what she was talking about, but he also knew that Sophie always had her reasons for showing certain behaviors.

Tom then sat his book at his side, and put his arm around his former queen.

Tom:"Sophie. Whatever is happening with you, you can tell me. And I promise whatever it is, I'm sure it will work out." Tom said in a calming tone.

Sophie:"Really? You really mean that, Tom?" Sophie asked him.

He nodded.

And like that, Sophie then found the courage and the right words to tell Tom about what's coming.

She then took a deep breath, and exhaled.

Sophie:"Okay. So, you know that thing that you told Little Carly not to do, only to soon find out that she did it anyway?" She began.

Tom's eyes widened as he soon realized what Sophie was talking about.

Tom:"Y-Yes? But why?" Tom asked nervously.

Sophie:"Tom? I hate to break this to you, but your daughter is pregnant." She said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Tom then jumped out of his bed in complete shock. His heart began to harden upon hearing about this so late.

Tom:"W-What?! Pregnant?! B-But How?!" Tom asked in a panic.

Sophie:"Tom? We all know she got pregnant, okay? But you're not gonna like with whom either." Sophie said frowning a bit.

Tom:"But, I told her to, and she, Ugh!! Okay fine! But who could possibly want my daughter at this time of year?!" He asked her with rage.

Sophie suddenly pointed in a random direction, as in to indicate the castle next door.

Then, it all suddenly clicked. Basically, the other King's son had got with her and did some things. This made Tom mad. Enraged even.

Tom:"So you mean, to tell me, that HE DID THAT TO MY DAUGHTER?! MINE?! THE ONLY ONE THAT I HELD NEAR AND DEAR TO ME FOR YEARS?! WHAT KIND OF BETRAYAL IS THIS?! I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER TO STAY AWAY FROM THEIR SIDE OF THE KINGDOM!! I trusted her, and she threw that all away. It's just... sickening!" Tom said as tears began to fill up in his eyes.

Sophie looked at the King, only to see tears strolling down his face.

Sophie:"T-Tom? Are you, crying?" Sophie asked at the fact that she had never seen someone, especially Tom, break down in tears like this.

Tom wiped half of his tears, in spite of his former queen seeing him like this.

Tom:"How long?" Tom asked her.

Sophie:"How long, what?" Sophie asked him.

Tom:"HOW LONG DID YOU HIDE THIS FROM ME, SOPHIE?! HUH?! HOW LONG DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" Tom yelled at the top of his lungs, shedding more tears.

Sophie got off got off his bed and walked towards him. She then cupped the sides of his face.

Sophie:" Three. Three days I hid this from you, Tom. But can you blame me? I had so much on my mind at the time. And not to mention, not only did this happen, but it's Spring now, and I'm fearful for the safety of my daughter as well. But I should've told you as soon as she told me she hadn't told you yet. But how can I do that, when my daughter is just as much in the line of fire as your daughter was? I am deeply sorry to tell you so late, but I have to figure out some way to stop my daughter from making the same mistake that your daughter did. But I'm sorry Tom. I really am." Sophie said hugging him.

Tom then stops crying, despite what his daughter has done. His new concern was now about Little Kelly's choices. And if she was making the right ones or not.

He pulled Sophie away from him and looked deeply into her eyes.

Tom:"No. Enough about Little Carly. She has done a lot of things in the past, but none compare to the betrayal and waste of trust that she has forsaken upon us. I will handle this in my own way. But however, Little Kelly is more important now. More than ever. And who knows what has and what will happen now. We lost one, but won't we lose the other one as well? Things are very tense at this point, and Little Kelly doesn't know what she could get into. And these males. These males would only want Little Kelly for one thing. And one thing only. Something is going to have to be done about this." Tom told her.

Sophie moved Tom's hand off her shoulders.

Sophie:"No. Not again. Sure yours disobeyed simple orders. But mine's better than that. No offense, but if something's going to happen, then I will stop it before it has a chance to. So no. We won't lose another one. And I will work at my hardest to assure this time, it won't happen again either." Sophie said before walking towards the door of Tom's room.

She walked out of Tom's room and returned to her own to start planning.

Tom didn't know what Sophie meant by what she said, but that didn't matter now, he had other things to think about.

He then went back to his bed and pulled a photo of when Little Carly was little from under his pillow.

He looked at the photo, and felt a dark feeling growing inside of him. Like the fact that he gave Carly a direct order and that didn't do much except make her want to do the opposite.

He then sat the photo at his side, as he lowered his head and began to cry again.

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