Chapter 11

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WARNING: What you are about to read is a chapter with gruesome writing and mentions of gore. If you have to, please skip this chapter. Thanks and enjoy.

So, things were going normally, just as they should, Carly was watching her daughter, Tom was sitting in the kitchen having a brief chat with Ramona, Kelly was up in her room, and things were just sort of, you know, chill.

Everyone was pretty much minding their own business, all but one. Sophie wasn't doing anything in particular, but something did seem off about her though. But of course, no one acknowledged this strange behavior, only because they didn't notice it at first.

And for one thing, Sophie didn't exactly feel like herself. No there was something within Sophie's soul and being that was everything but normal.

And technically, along with no one noticing that Sophie was wandering the castle halls, looking as if she could cause harm to anyone and everything around her, there was another event that not even Sophie was aware of.

And now, let us skip to maybe the afternoon. When everyone else left the castle, and Kelly and Sophie were the only ones left inside.

But instead of there being typical interactions between mother and daughter, the universe had something else in mind.

And for the most of it, Kelly wasn't aware of this so called event. And neither was Sophie. Now then, Sophie had finally came downstairs from creepily walking around back and fourth in the upstairs hallways. She then walked into the kitchen, and leaned up against the counter.

And you know, at this time, Sophie had considered actually calling off her plan, because she had started think of more simple things for her and her daughter.

But it was just then, just when Sophie had came to a conclusion, there was a knock at the front castle door. Sophie flinched at the sound of the knock, and practically was drawn to see who was outside at this particular time.

And since, Kelly was in her room at the time, Sophie had heard the knock before Kelly did. And because she was closer, she decided to save her daughter some time by going to answer it herself.

And I guess you could say, this visit was in for a rude, yet bloody awakening.

Sophie cautiously walked to the door, although at a rather normal pace, and gently opened the door, and took a peek at who was outside on their doorstep.

And boy, Sophie, well, Sophie's soul was not pleased.

The same guy from the food court that day, was literally standing at their doorstep, holding a card and some flowers. And at that moment, Sophie knew, that he was there for her precious.

And boy, she did not like that. And it was kind of a shame that the boy was nice. But it was pretty obvious that Kelly had given this guy her number and their home address. But it didn't matter now.

Sophie knew what she had to do now.


Sophie opened the door all the way, and just stared at the guy, wide-eyed, and blank faced. The guy didn't question the woman's expression, but then proceeded to ask where Little Kelly was.

"Um, hello. My name is Josh. Uh, is Little Kelly home?" He asked nicely.

And it was at that moment, this guy had made a huge mistake.

Then, Sophie had then went full demon. A dark era filled her eyes, making it so a black void could only be seen.

She quickly grabbed this man by his neck, yanked him inside making him drop the belongings, and then proceeded to tear this guy apart.

She then slammed this guy roughly in to the ground. The male was shaking in fear, not knowing what or where he had gotten himself into. He struggled and gasped for air as this woman used both of her hands to deprive this guy of all of his oxygen.

It was apparent that this man was losing air rather quickly, so Sophie decided to give him a small reward for thinking he could get his hands on her daughter.

Things then started to get crazy from there. Sophie repeatedly beat up this guy, making it so with every punch, his face bled more and more. Sophie laughed at this, enjoying every moment of this innocent soul suffering before her.

She then stopped the hitting, and settled for an extra violent approach. She stripped this guy of his clothes, and began to use her teeth to tear a chunk of his body off from every part of his vessel.

Screaming and crying for help, this guy just couldn't except that he couldn't escape. And was mostly questioning how he was still alive after all of this damage.

To be Continued.....

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