Chapter 12

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16 minutes later.....

*Finally. The gruesome murder had been completed. Sophie was sitting down on the side of this man's corpse and was having a small feast on one of his arms that she just so managed to rip off. And boy, was she satisfied with how she brutally tore apart this ignorant reluctant soul with her bare hands and a knife that I forgot to mention.

*But alas, while Sophie was enjoying herself, there was one thing that she hadn't thought of. Not just anybody finding out, but her own daughter finding out that her own mother tore apart somebody that she made a small connection with.

Kelly:"Hey mom! Mom? Are you here? Where are you?" She called to her mother awaiting a response.

*And just like that, Sophie panicked. She had to find someway to hide the body and fast. So she stopped chewing on the flesh from the man's arm and quickly ran into the kitchen to grab a large sack to put the body in. She then ran back out, quickly gathered the parts into the sack and then ran back into the kitchen with the sack to wash the blood off of her hands, dress and face.

*But then, as Sophie snuck back out of the kitchen to take the sack contains a dead man outside, she was approached with the fine challenge of hiding this from Little Kelly.

Kelly:"Oh mom! There you are!" She said with excitement.

*Sophie jumped upon hearing her daughter's voice and quickly hid the sack behind her back. She then looked to her daughter with a nervous smile hoping she wouldn't get suspicious.

Sophie:"Oh hi daughter of mine!" She greeted her while trying to sound excited.

Kelly:"Hey! Yeah I was looking for you and I couldn't find you for some reason. I just wanted see how you were considering that everyone else is out for the day."

Sophie:"Oh oh yeah I'm fine! Yep just fine..." She told her while frowning a bit.

*Kelly then started to get suspicious when her mother's tone of voice changed and she frowned all of a sudden.

Kelly:"Hey mom? Are you sure you're feeling okay?" She asked her while taking a step closer.

*Sophie took a step back on the grounds that she didn't want her daughter to see what she's done.

Sophie:"Yes! Of course I'm okay!" She said while holding the sack behind her back.

*Kelly squinted her eyes at her mother to show how suspicious she was.

Kelly:"Um okay. Love you mom, oh yeah! That's what I forgot! Hey mom you remember that guy I was talking to at the mall?" She asked before walking away.

*Sophie's eyes widened.

Sophie:"Y-Yeah? Why?" Sophie said sweating a bit.

Kelly:"I had invited him over to keep me company. So if he comes, let me know. Okay?"

Sophie:"Heh heh. Sure dear."

Kelly:"Okay thanks mom!" Kelly said as she walked away.

*Sophie took a sigh of relief that her daughter didn't notice that she was holding a sack with a dead man inside behind her back. She then proceeded to head outside to dispose of the the body and to hide it somewhere no one would find it.

*But little did Sophie know, was that, this wasn't the only person that was going to be victim to her wrath.

No....there was bound to be more to come.

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